Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Let me get this straight

Pot is going to be legal in NYC? I mean, not 100% legal, but for personal use, they will just whistle and look around if you are found to have some on you. Guess that does line up perfectly with mayor for life Bloomberg's portion plans.

Why don't they apply this logic to firearms? My M&P 9c only carries 47* rounds between the short and 2 fullsize backup mags. Why, that's not even a full box. Most NYC police shootings use 2x that amount on unarmed guys, let alone actual criminals. I hold that people carrying under a full box of ammo should just be allowed on their way in NYC too. My gun is legal, not one of those 'illegals' that get Bloomberg so worked up.

*I forgot, the portion size ban in NY also applies to self defense. So it would only be 31 rounds. Why, that is only a few more than those little sample size boxes they sell in the stores (seriously ammo makers, 20 rounds is a joke. That barely fills one mag these days)

1 comment:

  1. Typical liberal idiot pisswit thinking. Bloomingidiot is a hypocrite. Yet the people of NYC keep re-electing the fool.


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