Sunday, June 3, 2012

M44 @ 100

Like it sez. 6 oclock hold. The lower half of the stock is free floated. If the upper half of the stock is left off, it still shoots right 2". With it on, it hits like below. This is with East German 123 grain ammo. All 60 I've shot so far went off without a hitch.

Also learned a lesson: do not reload while distractred. I spent Friday reloading 6.8 while listening to the Squirrel Report. Stupid ass me was laughing so hard at one point that I forgot to fill a case with powder. Lucky me the bullet came out easy.

I did practice zombie shooting; even clipped her phone with the Mosin.


  1. Are you sure that's a zombie target? Looks like the average "occupy" idiot to me. Not that there is much difference between the two.


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