Sunday, July 15, 2012

Odd search terms

Yeah, I get one or two odd searches now and again. Guess I could whore it up by posting about the Walking Dead being awesome (Instead of facepalm city) or about the fact that Sofia Vergara is the only name actress that will get me to pay attention to a television commercial. Or watch SNL. Hope The Dark Knight Rises doesn't suck- with three quarters of the cast of Inception, it should be great. Of course, I'll be attending with an eye for the parts of Pittsburgh I've been to, like the Warhol museum, Stadiums, Pitt, The Duquense Incline, other places. What else can I toss in to get odd searches?

 Still getting Chiappa Rhino Total Recall searches too.


  1. That makes my little internet visit from the North Pole (Santa!) look pretty boring.

  2. The motifake ones I don't understand; someone must have tagged the ones I have, I guess.
    Robert- Just the Zombie in the title gives odd search results, let alone of my odder posts...

    Brigid- Sure it wasn't an elf sneaking a break? Or looking for a recipe?


Welcome to my little hole. Comments on any post over 14 days old get held in moderation, until I notice my emails. Anything that really annoys me may get moderated. Obvious Trolls are asked to be obvious- 'tis always nice when the target marks itself.