Friday, August 24, 2012

Watching a Current TV hit piece

What else does Current have? It is a hit piece on Mormons, they even talk to Mia B Love. I tuned in about 10 minutes in, they were busy on the multiple marriage part. Strange, if the Mormon part was such a turn off, as all the lib outlets claimed back in the primaries, why are the outlets to the left of MSNBC the only ones to talk about it?

I started this post Wednesday, and some personal stuff came up. I noticed yesterday Drudge had something up about 2 (real) networks running hit pieces on the Mormon Church. Heh. Again, all the libs were stage whispering, "He's a Mormon, those evangelical types will never vote for him." Guess now is the time to remind everyone of that fact. So, is the MSM also not fond of Harry Reid?

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for a hit pc on Harry Reid similar to the hit pc on Romney on current.


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