Thursday, August 9, 2012

Writer calls for death of his opponents

Wanting the NRA to be charged with treason is exactly that. A writer, using his first amendment rights, calling for people who disagree with him to be executed for treason. Yet another anti gun zealot willing to use the government to force others at the barrel of a gun to believe his way. I may have been glib over at Sebastian's blog, but in reality this Cook offends me, and reaffirms my opinion that most antis are in it for the power over others.


  1. The Found Father's didn't add the 2nd Amendment for you to protect yourself from a government take over"

    I wonder what planet this idiot is from? I guess the words "For the security of a free state" don't ring any bells.

  2. Duh, it just dawned on me, there's no bell to ring.


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