Friday, September 14, 2012

Bacon for breakfast, suck it Justice Department

Also, pork ribs for lunch. 10 hours in a crock pot, with some onions, garlic, pepper, and BBQ sauce.

Oh, and if they want to come arrest me for being fat, I've lost 45 lbs eating like this every day. Would Michelle Obama like to know the secret to my success? Ignore fat. Low carbs*. My BMI is now normal (24.3) even though I think that BMI is a load of crap.

Below are the boneless ribs (bought on sale!)
One onion, about 1/2 bottle Cookies BBQ- sweet hickory flavor(Read the ingredients), 3 lbs pork rubbed with garlic salt, pepper, some Cookies flavor enhancer. And honey on the top of each piece of pork. 10 hours on low.
Little home assembled coleslaw (lazy) and yay! Lunch!

*The difference between me and nanny fascists like Bloomberg- He forces people to not eat sugar at the government end of the barrel of a gun.

1 comment:

  1. Bloomberg is a food and gun nazi. I'd like to see that turd go out in public without his armed guards. Oh wait, no ball.

    Hey Bloomy, because fuck you, that's why.


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