Thursday, January 30, 2014

Getting the lead out

Finally decided to start casting bullets. So far, I have about 6 decent looking 230 grain .309 bullets, and a pile of lead ingots. Oh, and a bunch of crap that was floating on top of the lead. There is a definite learning curve with the aluminum Lee mold. Much more work than making fishing lures in high school.

Also, in a couple of weeks, I'll get to play with a G42. A friend is becoming quite the Glock collector- he also has a G20 to break in.

Added: I've been reading the Lyman book that came in my kit. It recommends using a hotplate to preheat molds. I had already "re-purposed" a hotplate for doing just that.


  1. Funny, I just picked up a lead pot and two molds at a gun show two weeks ago. Waiting for better weather so I can play outside- I breathed too much lead in a former job to tempt fate.

  2. It was in the low thirties yesterday. Close enough to better weather to try it out.


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