Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tales from the DOT

Had to get a DOT physical today to keep the CDL that I don't use but also don't want to lose. Some damned Obamacare thing, I think. I had extra time before work, so I decided to drop it off at the DOT. Brought my CDL and all the paperwork save the little wallet medical card that I put in my glovebox. Of course, they want the stupid little card, not the full form which also has all the info.
So, I take all that stuff back out to my truck, in a 20 mph gusty wind, to get the little card. By the time I get back inside, I can't find my CDL. Retrace my steps, nothing. I pled global warming to the staff, as I now needed a duplicate license, too. By then I had a supervisor helping me. About the second word out of her mouth was:"Oh, you were right, the paperwork you had the first time was sufficient." Grrr. She did get me my duplicate free. So I had that going for me.


  1. Gotta love meaningless bureaucracy!


  2. "Why!?!" you cry.

    "There's no reason, it's just our policy." they reply.


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