Reworked the 300 BLK pistol. Still has the craptastic TRS 32. But with a Vortex mount, it is livable. 50 yard target.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Work in progress II
I had a virgin lower laying around. So I removed the pinned on flash hinder, slapped a Kak industries super tube on it. Now I have a 27.5 inch pistol. That will soon be a firearm similar to the Franklin Armory XO26 series.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Guess gun money is good
I've always felt like a hipster using Facebook. Every time I see an ad, I think, "I have one main interest. They are called firearms, you've probably never heard of them." Heck, this ad goes straight to NFA.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Haven't done much gun stuff lately, been too busy with the new baby to get much of anything else done. Cute little guy, 8 lbs, 20" or so.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Friday, March 21, 2014
I'm guessing that either it had a poor staking job or it wasn't properly torqued. Or both. I tightened it back down with some blue Loctite (all I had at the range), whacked it with a punch and pounded 145 rounds through it. No problems after that.
I also got to shoot a .458 SOCOM. Bad ass. I don't think I want one, I'd rather get a .45-70 guide gun. But it was pretty sweet. I probably won't turn one down if the price is right.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Looks like the mods shall commence

There are many like it. This one is mine. CMMG complete upper on clearance from Midway. 14.5 pinned/welded. Auto BCG without any hpt/mp marks, and one piece gas ring. (I forget the name, I've used them before)
420 rounds* in less than an hour. No trouble with steel tula- a first for me. The only problem I had was my replacement brasscatcher is a steaming pos and jammed it three times. Once I bent it to match the upper, it worked great. Reloads worked fine, as did .223 and 5.56.
Not too bad at the target end. I did not mess with the sights at all. Just slapped the new TRS 25 on and started banging away.
*Not a weed ref. 2X standard loadout reference. Okay, it was what I had laying around.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Range thoughts
Mags still have to be pried out of the FNX 45 at +25 F. Guess it will be a summer toy. I have too many mags to just get rid of it. Unless I can get a G41 or M&P45 and a bunch of 14 round mags in trade.
Tula Brass 9mm is crap. (duh?) I had 4 fail to feeds in 100 rounds on my M&P9. One of the FTFs was the last round in a mag that would not load past 12 or 13 rounds. It loaded fine before and after that. And one cut the hell out of my finger while loading. Wonder if I can unload it at the next gun show. Half of me wants to sit on it, the other wants it shot or gone so I can reload the brass.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Weird what you find at the gun show
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
The 1983 Corvette is safe!
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Getting the lead out
Also, in a couple of weeks, I'll get to play with a G42. A friend is becoming quite the Glock collector- he also has a G20 to break in.
Added: I've been reading the Lyman book that came in my kit. It recommends using a hotplate to preheat molds. I had already "re-purposed" a hotplate for doing just that.
Friday, January 24, 2014
G42 and G41 spotted in the wild.
Priced at $499 and $699 respectively. At a dealer selling Gen4 G23 FDE for $530. And basic M&P models under $430 new. I realize this is exactly a sample of 2, but I wasn't shopping around very hard. No fingering tonight, either. Looking at the G41 makes me think harder about an M&P45 full of Apex parts. Smith and Wesson, YU NO M&P45 CORE??????
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Tales from the DOT
Had to get a DOT physical today to keep the CDL that I don't use but also don't want to lose. Some damned Obamacare thing, I think. I had extra time before work, so I decided to drop it off at the DOT. Brought my CDL and all the paperwork save the little wallet medical card that I put in my glovebox. Of course, they want the stupid little card, not the full form which also has all the info.
So, I take all that stuff back out to my truck, in a 20 mph gusty wind, to get the little card. By the time I get back inside, I can't find my CDL. Retrace my steps, nothing. I pled global warming to the staff, as I now needed a duplicate license, too. By then I had a supervisor helping me. About the second word out of her mouth was:"Oh, you were right, the paperwork you had the first time was sufficient." Grrr. She did get me my duplicate free. So I had that going for me.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Picked up 30 round AR mags locally for $10 each. Troy, unfortunately, but at that price I'll chuck 'em in the safe for spares. They work well with 300 BLK.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Lane closures a matter for Holder to look into?
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Cold and old
Mosins pass the "white glove" test. Mainly, I can load them while wearing heavy leather insulated gloves. Had I used my clips, it would have been even easier. The BLK needed me to switch to my
Thursday, January 2, 2014
FNX 45 mag release gets sticky below zero F. The already iffy dropping mags damn near need pried out. 1911 drops just fine. I think I will give it a serious cleaning. 1700-1800 rounds since August is a lot, right?