Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Iowa Democrats go searching for more Strawmen, instead of debating

That must be where they went, instead of sticking around for debate on the Stand Your Ground bill. 15 of them bolted today instead of sticking around to debate. Guess they can't handle looking like tools after the Jay Rodney Lewis debacle.

Supposedly they left because the bills would make Iowa like the "Wild, Wild West." Yeah, that movie sucked.

Today is the big* Black History Month celebration at the statehouse, too. Guess the antigun sentiment is still very high on the Democrat agenda, even outranking honoring civil rights struggles of the past. So all those shill articles online about Democrats caring about gun rights are wrong? Push come to shove moves like this are awesome. It truly shows where politicians loyalties lie. The BS excuse of "you can't surprise us" with these bills is how the press Dems are going to roll on this one, forgetting all the times they pulled it on the Republicans. The Repubs should have restored the bills to their original wording and passed them on to the senate. That is where the real fight is going to be, anyway.

*2nd edit. They shortened it to a 10 minute speech by the Governor.

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

Here's your award. Keep up the good work.