Friday, February 3, 2012

No guns in this post. Speed cameras, though.

Love the opinion piece about speed cameras. Let me summarize:

I don't like them. I drive like crap, and get a shitload of tickets, so I'm an authority on the subject. (apparently)

Traffic cops, when traffic is moving smoothly, just let speeding happen. Now, when some douche is making an ass of herself, she gets a ticket. 

Simon Conway is against them, so I have to be for them.

The ACLU doesn't like them. Simon points that out every time he mentions them.

More money for the state=good.

More money for the state- to mismanage. And half goes to an evil, private company!

Patriot act, suck it righties!
Free love! Gay marriage!!!

I think she works these into every piece, must just have a template ready to go.

I'm shocked she didn't get an anti-gun quote in there. Must have overrun the column space.