Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This is why the Strawmen invaded the Capitol!

I first noticed this at Robert's place, and he does a great writeup. As I pointed out here, Sarcone practically jumped up and down about the crime on our streets and about how hard (Law is hard!) his job would be if he couldn't just lock up any one for defending themselves. Turns out, he didn't have a strawman locked up in the Polk County Jail, but an actual anecdote. But, hell, anecdotes are ignored by antigun people all the time, because they don't count. Only strawmen.
And stop the insane scraping and bowing to the notion that 2 unarmed men committing a felony do not deserve to be shot. This isn't the movies were the good guy puts his gun down, has a righteous fight, and prevails. This is real life, where people bleed, have broken bones, and/or die when they are attacked. But, according to antigun people, this is awesome and the expected outcome, because at least no one got shot!


Robert Fowler said...

One of the goblins did get shot. He was hit in the upper right chest and right bicep. Too bad it wasn't a little low and left. Sarcone is nothing but a asshat anti-gun liberal. If the shit ever does hit the fan, I hope he's one of the first introduced to a tall lamp post and short rope. Thanks for the plug too. I'll try to reciprocate.

JD Rush said...

Makes me glad my primary carry is a 40. The LCP for backup is looking pretty weak right now. Not that 9mm +P would be any worse- I just shoot the 40c best. Or I need to shoot the 9c more.