That is my excuse, anyway.
And now, for no other reason than the song is awesome, Volbeat:
Reading Twitter updates (I don't remember what sock I use, think it is @jdrushia like on arf) and came across this. I wondered where all my coworkers get the strange ideas of what was going on. Turns out NBC can't wait to selectively edit even a 911 call. And people wonder why I can't stand to watch the MSM news.
One year has passed since I recieved my Permit to Carry Weapons. (I know, shut up newbie) None of the crazy things predicted in media have happened to me. Other than getting my name in the paper last year in the annual shame the permit holders edition.
Firearms wise. Apparently the MD online training course for handgun purchase permits now meets Iowa's standards for weapons permit training. See here. I don't want to step on the toes of those who make money training here in Iowa, but as a person who prefers constitutional carry, this does make me smile.
If the link doesn't work, the short story is that an applicant was denied a permit based on taking traing provided by the Maryland .gov website, when Iowa law specifies that any .gov training is gtg. He won his appeal and the judge said the Maryland training must be accepted. Personally, one does need to read the Iowa laws themselves.
I'm not sure of the specific Maryland website.
Could it be the stupid solar flare? My 4G tower connection is tenuous at best due to distance, the last 2 nights it has been crap.
It is up at WHO Radio's podcast page. Look for hour 3 from 3-6-12. Have not listened yet.
Listen to about the 30 minute mark. There is a caller that is just about a complete weiner whining "he had too many guns. It's terrible, one man shouldn't have that many guns."
Also, the Register reports of "street racing" are the complete bs. (I know, it is the Register) That street is two blocks long and his driveway is square in the middle. Those drunks were looking for a fight. And kept coming back. Would love to see the squad car video and what was said by the carload of aggressors.
Simon Conway of WHO radio will be having Jay Rodney Lewis on today. He posts a podcast from his page at the station. I'll try to get a link later when I'm not on my phone.
As of 830 pm the third hour is not up.
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Fits right in with Marion Berry |