Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bloomberg 3rd party for president?

Is this some kind of tongue in cheek joke? The only guy that both manages to out nanny both Obama and Bush, with an undisguised disdain for both term limits and anything approaching freedom for the masses? Friedman opines:

if only to participate in the presidential debates and give our two-party system the shock it needs.      

What imaginary third party does Bloomberg lead? The People way too rich to be Democrats (lol), but so invested in controlling people down the the very last micron of their lives that they can't be Republicans either Party. Bet that party is pissed ABC has the Supernanny name copyrighted- they could run with it. I suppose the shake up in the debates would be how far each Bloomberg and Obama would go to eradicating what little is left of freedom in this country, and manage to make Romney look like a Libertarian by comparison. Then again, the Stupid Party loves to not only move to the center, but jump over the left's positions to try to attack them from the other flank.
I guess he would save the country in one way- his policies could finally unite the country against someone, because he wouldn't be from either party. I'll leave the rest to imagination.

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