The Des Moines Register has published a CCW article that did not go straight to the Brady Bunch for scare quotes. Would have been funnier if they had a quote from one of the hardcase sheriffs that necessitated the modernization of our carry law. They did get the usual dig about wanting range time included in the permitting process. My tinfoil hat sensors are tingling a little, but for now I will accept that one article isn't a total ideological poo fest.
ETA-This was above the fold page one news.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Hell hath frozeneth overeth.....
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Yes. That is blueberry.
Dad is working his way thru the flavors . Not like I'm going to drink Daley, I mean Coke.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Airgun range time....

Like these sorry cans, or that mangy pumpkin. The box is actually sitting on a roll away trash can, with plywood behind it to deflect the BB's down. I have two containers, I'll need to make two traps to set on them.
The trigger on the pistol is not an exact copy of the M&P, but it is close. The take up is stiffer, but the break is not as bad as the real thing. I actually hit a little right and up if in a hurry with it. The mag is sturdy, made of metal. It is a pain in the butt to load, and I hope the clip that holds the top bb in does not wear out. No blowback action, but the barrel moves forward to load the bb (hence the stiffer trigger), then drops back to fire the round.
At 5 yards, I could slow fire under an inch unsupported. Or practice moving and shooting. And shooting while moving. That may come in handy; there is a USPSA match Sunday. Not that two times trying it make me great, far from it. But I can hit a can more often than not, that is worth something. Something small.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
12 degrees outside? Range time!
My M&P40c rang the 15 yard large target with every carry round in the magazine. And the next mag of el cheapo hit too. I wonder if the fact that I had been IWB carrying it right up until I shot it made the difference there? The other guns were cold, often cold enough to need gloves on when loading the mags. Thank you thick callouses.
Once I or the guns warmed up, I tried transitions between targets, didn't do perfect, but nothing to be totally ashamed by. By my poor standards, anyway. And I bought something that may help with my shooting. That will be for another post.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Occupy DM steal from the poor give to themselves .
65 year old man evicted. So the local ows crowd decides to help themselves to his stuff. Nice work 47%.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Nice opinion you got there.....
How can I send a care package to the guys at Gitmo*? Our guys, not the opfor. I'm thinking a bible, airline bottle of Jack, and some pork jerky would be a start. Or Tactical bacon...... That puts me on a list for even thinking about it.
*Aw, is that still there? Golly, that was one of the hopey changey things that actually was brought up in the campaign of '08.
Friday, December 2, 2011
So I'm hanging out at the gun counter...
Counter guy answers phone. "Yeah, we have a 12 gauge with with scope for under $300(?)." Pause. "Well, we are low on slugs, opener is tomorrow. And you will need to sight it in.......Really..." Click.
To me and the couple next to me- "He wanted to go deer hunting for the first time in his life tomorrow, wanted a gun with a scope, and was going to sight in in tonight (7 pm)!"
Cop (dispatcher, I think) standing next to me- "What range is he shooting at; I'd like to go there."
Me- "The no passing zone by my house all the other tools shoot at...."
I'm still fingering the Umarex, Cop's hubby (CH) wanders off to find ammo for the Judge she is buying. You know where this is going. Comes back once to ask, "What does ACP mean?" Gets the answer, comes back with a box of .45 Auto. Counter guy doesn't say squat. I wait, make jokes about the deer hunter guy, finally.....
Me- "So, is that box of ammo for the Judge?"
CH-"Yeah, that other stuff was ACP so it wouldn't work."
Me- "Umm, you need .45 Long Colt."
CH, to counter guy, not trusting me, "Does this take .45 LC?"
Counter guy, finally looking at his box of ammo, "Oh, yeah, you need the .45 LC we keep (hide) over there."
CH- "Boy, that stuff is expensive."
Me- "!"
My true reaction- buy the LCR, Bodyguard, or SP101 they have on sale then. Quit telling your wife it will be easy, you don't have to aim, all the stupid cliches all rolled into one. Wow, I only thought those were ghost stories people told on the internet.
What the heck, I only chip in when I like a gun. No need get someone pissy over pistol choices. Or worse, screw up a sale and get chased away from the gun counter. I'm to the point a couple of the guys (and one girl) just start handing me the new, cool stuff as soon as they see me.....
Not an ammo sale, but.....
Safety glasses are half price this week at Menard's. And they left the gloves on sale even though it is 10 degrees out this morning .
I'm happiest that I can breathe without cold medicine. I hate those wonderful holiday bugs that knock you down. The gunshow last weekend may have had awesome deals, but I was in no state of mind to brave the ridiculous crowds. From what I saw browsing some of the cheaper guys large crowd pricing was in full effect .
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Yep, I live in Iowa...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
So Canada is becoming less PC?
Quick wild prediction.....
Friday, November 18, 2011
Phone post (obligatory)
So I got a droid. Well, el cheapo plan midrange Samsung exhibit 2. If it sucks, it will turn into something else.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
And here I thought it was just me...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Range time with the spouse.

We slapped on a stick on target,, drew her a better sight diagram and she settled down to this. She fired around 250 total rounds. And she blew through them very fast, so I can't fault her shooting too much. Only one FT Fire the whole time using Federal ammo. As opposed to Remington's failure drill practice rounds.
My slow fire target. There is some .357 Sig Ranger on this one, and some 9mm el sucko (independence) too. The upper is in tatters, 200 assorted 9, 40, 357 will do that. Asked the rangemaster; the .357 SIG is not allowed on steel. They tested them and it is the only non magnum that always blew through a car door.......So at $20 a steel target, glad I asked. My wife said the .357 sounded the loudest of all the rounds (excluding the AR). All targets at 15 yards.
My wife did not care for the LCP or the 40S&W. The 9mm may grow on her. Hopefully it doesn't take her 9 more years to shoot again.
We also noticed that the range is next to a cemetery. The leaves are gone this time of year and now you can see it. At least we know where the zombies come from for the zombie shoots!
Friday, November 11, 2011
This reminds me of MST3K somehow.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
So I ate lunch with a radio talk show host...
Great afternoon at the range.....
Can't say I was trying to make a smiley, but it sure looks like it. 15 yards.
One .40 box was half full. Plus I shot a full mag of RA9124TA. I'm sure the M&P9 is going to work. It is near 800 rounds with no problems at all. 200 hollow points between the elcheapo Wally world Remingtons and the Ranger ammo. I seriously feel like the 9mm +P social cartridges shoot just like the .40 loads. Maybe my 6'5", 250 lb frame helps with the .40.
The 165 grain .40 WWB was fun- flat nose, looks like a hollow point. By the end, I was hitting better with the M&P357 (40 barrel) than I was with the federal 115 9mm. Dry firing is paying off immensely. And the High Standard 1911? It was an absolute beast with the Federal round nose. By beast I mean ding, ding, ding. I would hit twice, change targets 2 shots, change back. For the most part it was deserted, so I was moving around, crouching behind the range tables, gun pointed downrange when moving, of course. Makes up for not being able to put targets at 5 or 10 yards.
One guy showed up just to run some handloads. He let me shoot his slicked up STI Trojan. I hit all but one target; that one was a quick double tap. That thing was wicked and I felt like a complete bad ass hitting different targets in quick secession, further and further away, with a gun that was literally handed to me.
I kept both eyes open for 95% of my shots. Caught myself twice shooting with one eye shut. I really think that plus the dry firing has improved my shooting. May be time for a class next year. Now I just need to stop pushing left so much. At least the milk can target is smaller than a standard silhouette target.
Coming to Dec 24 soon..
Yes officer, what is the problem?
Papers, please.
What papers? What is this about? We are only decorating our tree for Christmas.
That is why we are here. Where are your papers proving you paid your Christmas Tree Tax?
Why do you have a SWAT team with you?
We are far more serious the the Department of Education, ma'am.......
Update: Doh! We thought that you wouldn't notice. Um, nevermind. Hey, it was supposed to be like the pork checkoff, er, um, cough, cough......
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fun Show Find
But wait, there was more in the box. Pictured installed below with my 40c and 9mm plastic bullet hoses......
A shiny new .40 barrel, unfired! The dealer had two, his story was they were demos of some kind. 2 mags have been used, the other was undropped. The SKU 609702 does not show up on the S&W website.
Have no 357SIG - the prices at the show and in stock locally are LOL funny even for FMJ. is ordering me 2 boxes of RA357sigT (that I get to pay for, go away FTC. Plus they don't sell the ammo online as far as I can tell). Have I mentioned that I love living 6 miles from a guy who has competitive prices.
Looks like Speer GoldDot in .357sig is the way to go from online research, and the prices locally are within the shipping/tax window for me if I really want to use it as a .357sig.
Ran about 150 .40 through it today including a mix of 30 Ranger subsonic/20 RA40T. Had fun running 300 through my M&P9, compared the RA9124TA (+P) to the RA40T in the same size gun. Honestly, between those 2, the recoil and muzzle flip felt very similar to me. Kinda like the 17+1 in that case.
The M&P357 is early '10 production. I notice several differences. The front locking block has longer rail surfaces than the 9 or 40c
The extractor pin is solid vs a double roll pin.
The bottom of the slide is machined differently after the striker. Don't know if that is 9/40 specific, but the 40c looks like the 9. The green spring is .357sig specific apparently.
My plan is to turn the 357 frame into an Apex parts storage device. If I like it, the other full size may get made over as well.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I wish I had more pictures...
A local company that we are doing some work for has 4 tractors with a special graphics package. One for each branch of the armed forces. The eagle on the hood is cool as heck. I have no photos of the Army tractor, but they used an Air Force uniform due to issues with the digital camo. They even had to patch the graphics to remove the rank from his sleeves. The Navy tractor has a battleship; I am unfamiliar as to the exact class. The Air Force tractor is due next week.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ok, I 'get' gunwalker, but WTF
'They' er 'someone' ok straw buyers buying loads of guns and throwing them over the boarder. Yay, evil gunstores and gunshow boogiemen, not calculated plans to allow it, we can hide that. And then just flat out giving away NFA guns/ guns outlawed by the '86 firearms owners
One of these things is (not) like the others?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
I had a post, but the dog ate it...
Why did both the PT1911 and the HS have the same POS sear spring? They must get the springs from the same supplier. Both now have Wilson springs, because they were in stock at the time.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Yay, that worked
Other guns, not so good. My new to me Springer 9mm, guessing 85-88 production, shoots left unless it shoots dead on. From the bench. Foot left. Loose as hell, knew it when I bought it. But it fed hollow points all day through its nasty looking mags. Even ate up +P Ranger. I'm guessing dropping it in the mud would have helped the accuracy. The 9mm barrel for the M&P 40 extracted funny once, but I wasn't there to proof that gun, so I left it alone. Felt like shooting a pop gun with the 9mm. Loved the PF9. Only fed it hollow points. It liked them.
I'm ready to say screw 40 S&W and go 9/45 all the way butttt I still like the option of having 40 in the case that one of the other calibers "disappears" like 45 did for a while there.
Friday, September 16, 2011
More goodies arrive!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I'm back- not that it matters......
If I had my camera, I could document a bad (good) problem I have. Most of the time when I buy a new gun, I get the desire to immediately buy a second compact or service model of that gun. It normally goes away after 2 weeks. So, after my 2nd 1911 took up residence in 2 months, with piles of parts coming soon or here......well, shit. I have to thank the guys at for ordering some parts for me. Course, they do be local and all.
Though the M&P 40L (not pro) on Buds has my interest......
Friday, June 3, 2011
And your little dog too!!!!
Darkotic targets from Birchwood-Casey. No problem with them at Olafsons. I just need to shoot straighter.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Bored on the Youtubes
Great, did not expect that, has jack to do with the song other than the western elements, old school music video craziness.
Then watched Jesse J, whoever that is...
Reminded me of this video from Kerli.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
We're (in)famous
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
For shame......
Even the AR ran like a top. The suspect pmag worked great, not one FTF thru 2 full mags. Ran it wet. And my groups were about were they should be, even though the 25 yard target holders were broken. My pet peeve- no holders at 5 or 7 yards for the pistols, broken holders at 25 to zero the AR. Time to join Ikes, I guess.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
When you've lost Karl Rove......
Not Romney(D) is a good start. I may switch from no pref to R this time just to hang at a caucus site and see what kind of D crossover stuff happens. Not that Romney (D) is dumb enough to waste 5 seconds in Iowa after McCain (D) used that tactic in '08. Hey, New Hampster, focusing on losers who ignore Iowa gives you a sucky candidate. Buy some bandwidth and read other states birdcage liners once in a while.
Not that I don't have my doubts about Trump, but they are in areas
A: I don't frigging care about
B: That's what the Iowa
Get these ladies 'n gents out with the people to see if their stories stay the same. At least he didn't
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Holy crap- does he ever rest?
The first thing I thought of when I heard Johnny Mac also does firearms training was this....
Too bad there is no application for that in IA. I guess it is legal in TX for hog hunting (There I go again).
I cannot believe some of the Google results that popped up while searching for this. Not about him, but about what other people search for using KCCI+<insert random personality here> + <state of dress> as a search term. Creepy.
Yep, I'm blog dumping today- internet no worky sux.
Edit: SO says- you mean he can teach me how to use this thing? Yes I don't what courses he teaches, though.
Less habanero = slightly less hot
1 lb pork + 1 lb beef browned with applejuice and 3 tbl spoons chili powder (off brand, out of chili 9k)
Onion powder 1 tbl spoon (normally one big yellow onion)
No jalapeno - too lazy this time, normally 3 peppers cut up.
2 cans chili beans
1 can Rotel diced tomatoes with habanero
1 can Diced tomatoes with onion and pepper (left over)
2 tbl spoon chili powder in pot.
15 oz can tomato sauce - I just like that way, may not be needed.
My 3 hour crock pot sample is not hot enough to need a kleenex or make Pepsi TB taste like cinnamon. That was the last batch with 2 cans of Rotel plus 4 large jalapenos. I'm trying for something that has a kick even reheated at work.
Next time venison and pork.
Intermittent internet
Here I thought it was watching Grey's on Hulu that killed it. Hell, Callie had to be brought back- does that make her a zombie? People on IMBD seem to think the whole episode needs to be put down for the count. Karev's lampshade was awesome- "She works at Seattle Grace Mercy, she'll either go crazy, get cancer, get shot by a gunman or hit by a truck, so don't get your hopes up." Yeah, I'm really current with my TV. Give me a break, other than sports and Sponge freaking Bob, it's all I bother watching. Oh, and NBC's crap reality on Sunday. Can't explain why on that one.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I don't know what is worse
Shutdown FTW.... Huh, what?
Failure of a second post
The second hardest part was the ass on the bike that had the crush on you. Took some hits until the tool thinned out the herd. After that, I could open up on him with a decent weapon. Hardest of all was just not going, oh, look, a zombie, face smash. Damn, now I have to reload. It was like breaking conditioning. Honestly, were they not needed to kill the
My survivor crew was awesome, they looked like the poster for Sucker Punch w/o the mecha bunny.