Friday, May 31, 2013
We need this law to protect you from us!
Listening to the guy signing off on the warrants to spy on the media tell the media we need a law to protect them from him must really take some mental gymnastics.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Most Obstinate Administration Ever
Invisible wall
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
DoJ made a funny last week
You write what you're told
Durbin was speaking about a proposed media shield law that would only apply to approved journalists. Because the Constitution is over 200 years old. Those pesky upstarts just go around using words. That way the more important animals like Durbin can get stories out in the way that he wants them out there. Without those pesky Americans having their say.
Nice thoughts, coming from a member of the party in charge when the IRS has been going after TEA Party groups wanting to get involved in educating the public about the excesses of government. And Holder
What it will do is help to solidify the government control of the press. If the only people not allowed to speak freely are the “approved press,” under a government proven to go after anyone who does not toe the line. Including journalists- authorized ones included.
Monday, May 27, 2013
A thought
Fun range time
No, not out of the ordinary. Made more fresh Blackout cases. Only problem was brass catcher related. I need one of those nice ones, not the $12 cheapies. Went back to 2.095 OAL, otherwise same specs as yesterday. Fed great. Full 30 round mags. The C-products mag was fine, as was a Pmag. I also ran single shots, all 4 times I went empty, it locked back. Even triple tapped fine.
How not to celebrate Memorial Day
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Well, that went better
Also got to fix a case over bolt malfunction. I made this batch a little shorter, and the aluminum mag hated them. Couldn't load over 20 rounds, and the last two decided to leave the mag at the same time. I pulled the buffer tube out, cleared it. Worked fine for the next PMag. Another PMag was fully loaded, no problems. Locked back properly, 3 o'clock ejection. 17.5 grains of H110, 125 Speer TNT, Rem 6 1/2 primers. 2.06 or so OAL. 2.09 has run fine in the past; this was also a new mag. And I was using it as a rest. It was raining, and I decided to just shoot at an existing target. So no pictures.
My theory: when the expander pulls back up through the neck, it pulls the shoulder up with it. Still fits in my L.E. Wilson case gauge just fine. But will not chamber and fire. Functional cases actually sit down in the case gauge, even after firing. Some of the brass has thicker walls than others. For cases formed without the expander die in it, the shoulder is in the proper place.
Some of my reading indicates that 300 Whisper and 300 Blackout differ in the expected parent case. Whisper is from 221 Fireball cases necked up, while Blackout is from 5.56 cases cut down. Guess what kind of die set I have? Hornady 300 Blackout/300 Whisper. I don't know if that makes a difference. Something tells me it just might. Or I am just a moron. That possibility always exists.
I've thought about trying the cream of wheat fire forming method. Not real sure about doing it in a semi auto.
Added: Went on a case killing spree. Decimated (every tenth case got
Friday, May 24, 2013
Protip:Zombie fad
Now that Fort Hood is a Terror Attack....
I notice in his speech (edit: as examples of terrorism) he also brought up the dumbass shooting up the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, the progressive who flew his plane into the IRS building, the Chick-fil-a terrorist and all the Occutards the FBI gave fake bombs... Just kidding about the last two.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
I am not a crook
Perjury before Congress is a crime, right?
Strangely, Lois Lerner suddenly sounds like a the poster child for keeping the government out of private citizens lives. Except she isn't a private citizen. She is a government employee, one who hasn't been removed from her post and put into a rubber room like they have in NYC for the reject teachers they can't fire. Hell, than might be mean to the other putzes in the rubber rooms. Who knows what kind of oppression she could dream up in a place like that.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Range time
Speaking of workplace violence
Approved reporters
That, and the only thing you are buying is the permission slip to play the game, not the game disc itself. Great idea! Now you can't borrow a disc to play a friend's game to see if it sucks or not.
Stupid camera has to be hooked up to play games, too. ESAD.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Nice try
Do it. Make her repeat herself like a broken record.
Monday, May 20, 2013
If only there was a way
Related story in more ways than one, my in-laws in Mordor have gotten their FOID cards. I just hope they can find some guns and ammo to purchase.
Round two
Moar weather tonight. Yay us. Not as bad as what happened down south, but shtf is possible.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Tornado missed us.
Algore bin took the worst of it for us. Other than no power. Guess I'll read MHI while I listen to the generator run the sump pump.
Also, does Hornady have any kind of consistency in their primer crimps? Once you break the crimp on the factory loaded cases, some of the pockets feel damn loose.
125 grain TNT's loaded to 2.09 OAL do not work in Pro-mag 42 round mags. Hope they work for 5.56. At least they were cheap.
Of course, my wife gets back from her road trip, and we get thunderstorms and tornado warnings. I can't go test my piddling few loaded cases. Well, I could, but I can wait.
Good thing too, Tornado on the way.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Great, Wilding Weekend in Chicago
Another way to get extra IRS scrutiny

I'll go out on a limb and say he's gonna get an audit over this one. Might as well change his middle name to Patriot.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Gonna need a bigger tin foil hat
I suddenly feel the urge to not get sick. Ever. Or old.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I should have taken a picture
And there was a sweet AC Ace at the Outer Limits. I would have taken a picture, but whipping out a camera at a strip club is probably frowned upon. ;)
Yeah, the detour I was bitching about the other day takes me past some interesting places.
Wow, Obama really set the IRS straight
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Range trip: now with words
Lowering BAC
We banned texting while driving. Now everyone drives around looking at their hidden phones. So that worked out well.
I realize BAC was either meant to be the news of the day yesterday or a distraction. (NTSB! We haven't done anything unethical. Lately.) Kinda overshadowed by the despotism coming out of D.C. and Angelina Jolie's !boobs. Which actually makes sense, she wants to be around and carries that gene. She has the money to do it now as opposed to when Obamacare ratchets up and she has to let the government decide if she needs to do it and when. (Hey, that !choice is probably in the law somewhere) Her dad is a Republican. And her husband admits they have guns for self defense. The IRS is practically salivating to deny her something.
Police can be across the street
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Comforting thought
Well, the IRS scandal turned nasty
Harry Reid said today that this type of stuff is awesome, and more IRS agents need to break the law against conservative groups. Of course, I just watched the jackass claim that Gosnell's abortion clinic, receiving no inspections or oversight since 1993, is what results when restrictive laws force abortion to be underground. In a licensed clinic. But, he had a sad look on his face.
Does Obama do anything?
But he did get Bin Laden. I guess. But, no pictures.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Coworker gets something cool
Road construction
Also, we are being infested by those stupid yellow flashing left turn arrows. The concept is fine with me. /sarc The theory: people will be more careful when pulling out in front of oncoming traffic, because YELLOW! The practice: you never get a turn arrow, because, um, because, er, because....shit, I got nothing. And, I sit there getting antsy, again, because YELLOW! Yellow means floor it or nail the brakes. They really do not do anyone any good in a town where the pastime is seeing if the light can turn yellow before you clear the far side of the intersection.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
IRS scandal goes deeper quickly
Watched Ironman 3
The pre-previews for the movie were odd. When did they start advertising TV shows before the movies? There was a 3 minute or so ad for Steven King's
*Spoiler below:
Guess this shows us where we stand
*Rogue, not rouge. Gotta get the coffee brewing sooner.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Just low level IRS employees
Shocked, shocked I tells you
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Noted Obama advocates concerned about Attkisson
Guess I will drag this one out again.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
More of that bipartisanship
Of course, the first comment that popped up is from Adolph Jr blaming in all on the joooozzzz.
Speaking of the LA Times, I hope the Koch brothers do buy the rag. Wish they could buy the Des Moines Register, too.
Department of Justice study-no gun show loophole
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Marketplace unFairness Act of 2013
I think the smelly thing actually requires a state to mandate 1 tax rate for the entire state* if they want their
tl;dr: Boner, don't let it pass the house. :(
*Nope, read it wrong. The bill just makes the state setup/designate one "entity" to deal with. So, yay, it requires more government to do the job of collecting money for the government. I actually like my version better. Imagine all the fighting over local option taxes being mandated statewide for interstate purchases; or better, all the crying by localities not getting their "cut" that they suckered people into enacting upon themselves.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Proper attire for horseback riding
Bikinis and/or sports bras.(for women)
I'm JD, and I approve this message.
Sorry, no pics.
Last time I checked, it was a Carmike theater.
She did not ask if they posted guards on each of the fire exits.
I'm not sure what the going rate for private security is, but I'm guessing it is more per hour than most of the rest of the minimum wage monkeys make for selling popcorn.
The deputy told the permit holder to leave it in his car. Which, in this state, a private property holder is within its rights to ask. No clue if they have signs posted. Iowa law is that you can be charged with trespassing if you do not leave after asked to. Also, everyone was searched, except children.
Bought a PMag locally Saturday
The local Sportsman's Warehouse had no primers. They seemed to have a few more handguns, and an AR15 lasted until the afternoon, if you believe the counter help. Plenty of .270 bullets good for reloading 6.8, at least. The defensive ammo shelf was completely wiped, save for some big bore revolver loads.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Saturday, May 4, 2013
You know you have made it

I did a google image search. It appeared on Infowars at one point in time. Does that make me a super duper tinfoil type? Of course, my original post linked to an Infowars article.
So, Steve King will not be running for Senate (tinfoil time)
Good column in the Iowa State Daily
Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they always bemoan the NRA, claiming the NRA is the source of all their anti-gun legislation problems. We don’t trust anti-gunners because it never occurs to them that perhaps it’s not the NRA per se that has the power, but the millions of members that belong to it, and the millions more Americans who otherwise support it and its mission. The NRA is probably the largest private organization in America; maybe that has something to do with its influence...? We also don’t trust anti-gunners because they’re too ignorant to understand that the NRA only represents a minority of us anyway.
Read the whole column.
Full disclosure: I have met the author and purchased firearms from the store he works for.
Friday, May 3, 2013
The long and short of it.
Leave some bugs for me
I hope the cold snap doesn't kill all the insects off. At least before I bust some NaCl in their asses.
Even the fowl are crying foul
The slush and snow mix is deep enough and wet enough that these ducks were swimming across the lawn.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Wait, what?
Obama to pitch immigration overhaul in Mexico
Guess we know who he really gives a damn about. Must be part of the missing 7 states.
Why don't we just annex Mexico instead of pussyfooting around? Just think of all the fun the EPA could have down there. Not to mention every other pissant bureaucrat storage agency that issues itself tin stars and guns. With Congressional approval, to be sure. Hell, we can whip up some QE XIX and just pay for it all on credit, too.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
All that door kicking
Proposed Illinois Carry Law
And I'm not talking about the CCW sash or badge.