Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Don't hurt the cash cows at Penn State
Monday, July 30, 2012
Not bad seats
Was caught up in a flash mob while visting Chicago
This one:
If you look closely at the bean, I am way off to the left.
We were wondering why it looked like New Delhi for a few minutes prior to it........
Also ran into a cos-play wedding (Super Mario was there!) and there was some kind of retro 5K/scavenger hunt going on. No clue, just enjoyed the costumes.....
A funny thing happened on the way to Mordor
*You drive in, apparently. Who knew?
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Scalia: guns can be regulated
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Bacon!!!! and Beer!!!
Good stuff. Did not eat the Bacon Bomb. We did get the bacon grenades.
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BLT and a Bacon Grenade |
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3 Floyds beer- tasted damn good after walking around Chicago |
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Wookie on the wall |
It's a loose start. It kinda seems silly to aim so low......
*Roberts would call it a tax, not mandate.:)
** Wanna ban x-random cap magazines? Git R Done, but the police roll with x-round magazines, too. Ban scary semiauto rifles? Swat team gets bolt actions for entry as well.. Can't carry in x area? Nor can the police. Illinois would not care for that one......
Friday, July 27, 2012
Yeah, it's dangerous as hell, and at those speeds would also kill people in a car he hit.
I will admit to right click, save as of the 720p version, though....
Total Recall is out
Doh!- it is out this week. Baseball/Beach Volleyball on the brain....
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I don't know what happened
Even reloaded the last known good template....
Also, I guess I should have stayed on the sqrpt.com chat- family issues (the good kind, not the bad kind) precluded me from doing more than seeing if my phone would log in (yes, but chat didn't scroll right- issue on my end) and audio was out of the question. After listening to last weeks episode, I had to email Jay G with my poorly edited video.
I didn't say that
At least the Obama defenders can STFU now
And I thought the wheel of blame was going to stay on OMG! internet ammo sales! Guess it slipped that final peg to AWB II: The AWB Reloaded.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It is 102
And a decent storm BLEW in, took a layer of topsoil with it, then rained. Plus, the temps went down after the storm. Yay.
Looked at an M&P 15 today
I just want the lower and barrel (with a Wylde chamber)
I did pick up a Smith&Wesson today....see if that earns me a phone call later......
Debate on gun control
The MSM wheel of blame seems to want to land on mail order! OMG internet!111!! sales of ammo. Because that bullshit worked when two sons of a bootlegger were shot within one decade, with no real political force opposing them. I also love the articles pointing out the NRA's lobbying cash spent ranks very low on the political scale; about 1/80th of what insurance companies (or was it hospital chains?) were forced to come up with to "support" the passage of Obamacare.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Big set of brass....
Ovaries. The mother of the POS that kidnapped a woman in a Kroger's and was shot by a manager is now suing Kroger's in a wrongful death lawsuit. Sorry if I am late to the story*, but WTF? Should have said her son was only shopping for skittles and iced tea. Hell, that might be in her complaint. Need to subject
her to the punishment her son would have gotten for kidnapping if she wants to profit from his death in this way.
*Late to the lawsuit story, it was filed on July 13. I remember the DGU story and the initial irony of Kroger's being a No Self Defense Zone.
Bloomberg goes off the deep end
And the cops would be hated for abandoning the people to the criminal underclass that the judicial system has been coddling. Maybe he should go on strike from proposing intrusive laws on his citizens until people stop eating food he thinks is bad for them.
Here is a link to a better rebuttal than mine.
*The Sullivan laws meant to arm only Sullivan's gang buddies. Note that charges are dropped when non criminals from out of state get entrapped and might be able to make a 2A stand on that law- it is weak as hell and they know it.
New Jim Crow, er Gun Control laws?
From Illinois:
(720 ILCS 5/24-1)
(from Ch. 38, par. 24-1)
Sec. 24-1.
Unlawful Use of Weapons.
(8) Carries or possesses any firearm, stun gun or
taser or other deadly weapon in any place which is licensed to sell intoxicating beverages, or at any public gathering held pursuant to a license issued by any governmental body or any public gathering at which an admission is charged, excluding a place where a showing, demonstration or lecture involving the exhibition of unloaded firearms is conducted. |
This subsection (a)(8) does not apply to any auction
or raffle of a firearm held pursuant to a license or permit issued by a governmental body, nor does it apply to persons engaged in firearm safety training courses; or ..... |
All a range would have to do is put out an ad saying "come rent the new ABC pistol on Saturday, range fees still apply" and that would be a violation of the law. (public gathering, charging admission) Hell, a gathering could be figured as two or more people in the same place at the same time.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Less JD post 5
On a related note, I was reading the gun laws for Illinois this weekend. They read like the Brady Bunches wet dreams. Can't carry. Can't carry while masking your face. (double plus illegal) Can't carry into places that charge admission. (triple plus illegal) Can't carry into places that serve alcohol (Quadruple plus illegal) Can't carry into government controlled places. (Quintuple plus illegal) Dangerous knives illegal. (No definition) I realize the rest of the state is more like Indiana or Iowa, but with a cancerous progressive welfare city (keep repeating myself) tacked on the northern end that skews the demographics of the entire state.
And with all these gun laws, only roughly 60 people in Chicago were shot over the weekend. Damn, that is one safe gun free zone. I think screaming as you run away is legal, as long as you don't do it too loudly and hurt the criminal's ears....
Limbaugh is always delayed 2 hours here, he opened with the 270+ murder stat in gun free Chicago.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Ice T on gun control
So, douche bag's drum mag jammed
Added: May have also had a Promax Level IIIa. Or not. Still, start pounding him with lead, either he will stop shooting at others, giving them time to escape, or you will hit a squishy spot. Sounds like people ran right past the tool anyway, why not stop and point blank shoot/stab him.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Yet another CCW holder
Also, sadly, Ruger 1911s were in stock locally. Already spent the money I'd set aside for one on other guns. Oh, well.
My reloading bench has recouped itself
Don't have exact figures, but in 6.8 alone, it has broken even. That was the primary reason I bought it, as I've said either here or in a comment elsewhere, I'd have shot every box of 6.8 in the greater Des Moines area at the rate I'm going.
I've never bought .223 brass, when I can buy 100 loaded rounds, and shoot it, for $10-$15 more than the new brass is on the shelf. The .223 reloading is more for trying cool bullets that rarely show up as loaded cartridges, or to try to make accurate loads. Plus steel cased crap barely costs more than reloading, if you don't mind the occasional sucky batch.
News media and you
I was going off on a tangent about media interviews, and I have had a camera stuffed in my face once, and at least one other time spoken to a reporter about a story. The first time was the day the O.J. criminal trial returned a verdict, that night a reporter was looking for quotes from college kids. Managed to not put two coherent words together; and guessed wrong about the verdict too! Needless to say I made the cutting room floor on that one.
The second, more of a conversation, was more exciting. The setup: Our business faces a major street with good sightlines. So the Channel 8 weather crew set up a live shot out front when a "Big Storm" was coming. Three trucks worth of people- weather guy, reporter, cameramen, producers. So, we watched them watch the storm come in. Sky gets nastier and nastier. All of the sudden, someone jumps into one of the trucks and hauls ass to the business next door. The wind hits, and the power went out. We rush to manually shut all our doors, as heavy rains followed the wind by 10 seconds, if that. Power is back, we go into the office. Notice the rest of the trucks are heading next door too. Wind is heavy, then I start seeing the front door and windows moving in and out. I tell my coworker; time to hit the restroom (concrete walls). 20 minutes later, just light rain.
The station set up a live shot next door for the 10 pm news, never talked to us. Turned out we had a tornado go over the top of our shop. After the news, the reporter stopped in to chat. She was the one that banzai charged our neighbors first. We compared war stories- she liked the moving windows part, and she admitted she ruined the video they took- she was screaming the whole time "we are all gonna f'ing die" over and over, and had been yelling at them for 5 minutes to take cover before she told them to all go screw themselves and bolted for something with a basement.
I have gotten some inside baseball time too, at the same station- my wife interned there, one of her jobs was to run the closed captioning. Provided I could shut up, I was actually allowed to watch a couple of newscasts from inside the studio. That was cool. I think I had to hold a door while one anchor smoked; or she just wanted a big ugly ass dude standing outside to scare away the weirdos.
You didn't build that part MCLVIII
Friday, July 20, 2012
Brb batman
Wish me luck. No Bane cosplay sicko ows wannabes here.
Total recall not in top 3 trailers.#5
Good movie
On a pure geek level, there was at least one moment I was thinking, well, he changed that......no, Nolan didn't.
What are Obama And Romney going to do about guns?
Great. Zero is going to announce his plan to solve this now. At a fund raiser...
Wow, he didn't manage to make it too political.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I knew I saw a B24 last night
They are selling rides/tours in a B17 and B24 in Ankeny.
I was right the first time. I saw the B17. My dad saw the B24.
Interesting review
Not that I wasn't going to see TDKR, but now I really want to. Sounds like the plot is what I expected.
So, another legal end run (now the norm)
In the drive to give everything away that isn't nailed down, now we are partnering with Mexico to give away food stamps, to whom exactly it doesn't stay. Victims of Fast and Furious? How in the hell do you even buy the votes of people who aren't U.S. citizens and can't vote anyway? That is the correct question.
Added: And it started under Bush. Of course, it expands further when a new party takes over. None of the above '12.
Aww, how sweet
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Not this excrement again
Bloomberg for vp. I think I've seen this theory before. Pretty sure that it struck me as the most insane thing I had heard of then, too. Just as Romney almost looks palatable, (Zero going full retard, er, lefty does that) here comes the plan to put Nanny Mayor Bloomers at the #2 chair? Holy crap, might as well start campaigning like McCain, too.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Occupy Gotham=Romney?
I thought holding my nose and voting for Bush was bad- with all the nutty imperial executive orders coming out of the White House during Zero's leftist doubledown tour, voting for RINO Romney almost looks palatable. Anyone got a spittoon?
Buy this guy a bigger gun
Good work, sir. Makes me want to not carry a .380, though......
Monday, July 16, 2012
Monday range time
Brownell (yes, that one) on the radio
Added: The interview starts around 36 minute mark, from what I'm told
My Neighbor's Chickens are Done (for)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
0bama Channels Elizabeth Warren and Karl Marx
-blah, blah, bah, Marxist screed, I rule, stole this quote from Liz Warren.....
I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service.-
Wow, that's how fires were fought for years. Why do you think they are often called companies? And private fire insurance paid companies to put out fires. Can't say that I mind local government running fire departments*, but a little historical acknowledgement would be nice. Otherwise, this is almost a carbon copy of Warren's "All Your Base Belong to US" speech. That just pisses me off to no end. The elitist smarm dripping from his and Fauxhontas' speeches rubs my rhubarb the wrong way. PEOPLE WHO PAID TAXES DID ALL THOSE THINGS, NOT GOVERNMENT. Sorry about the yelling. End of discussion. Our government is of the people, by the people, for the people. Not your benevolent Big Brother. Or your vote buying piggybank. (it torques me off when the stupid party does it too)
*Last time I checked there was no federal fire fighting, save forest fires. We don't pay a
Added: Marko states it far better than I ever could.
New Bacon Show!
Man freed in Florida Stand Your Ground Law Case Killed
Morning conversation
JDR: "Really, what, did they go arrest GWB? That's how bad the campaign is getting."
SO: "No, some guy, it says he killed a woman."
JDR: "They finally got Ted Kennedy? Wow, little late there."
SO: "No, was in 1988. He also faces drug and weapons charges."
JDR:"Great, just like every kid in elementary school with a Tylenol and Spork."
About the Bain story. If it was a real problem, it would have been the October surprise. Seems more like a progressive
And they say the UN treaty won't affect us
Odd search terms

Still getting Chiappa Rhino Total Recall searches too.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Proof that Top Gear is wrong.
Productive Day (sort of)
Bacon Safety
Place bacon into cold pan. Turn heat to medium.....
So, you mean don't cook it in a cast iron pan that, on medium, is hot enough to flash fry bacon like a tactical nuke? (true story) I'm betting they expect me to wear a shirt while cooking the stuff.
FWIW it was Bourbon BBQ flavored bacon from Wally World. And it was really good. Normally I stick with whatever bulk is at the meat counter at Fareway....
Friday, July 13, 2012
Think I found a new place to try
I Just like it. So sue me.
More Ames geekery, but when I went to school there, the local Panchero's was great- the 2lb steak burrito was awesome on a, um, drinking, night (ok, any night I had $$) but when they sold out (expanded/franchised) to this area, all they had was wussy ass rice filler and sucky beans, not the awesome steak, bean and block cheese monster of my State days. Might not be 'authentic', again, BFYTW applies.
Loose ROE only for citizens?
We are done. If non citizens truely have more rights than the people of this country, what good is it to be here? Guess I better watch for 'FBI van' appearing on my WIFI hotspot list now.
Not that any of the other random stroke of the pen 'laws' stuffed through recently do anything to cheer me up either. Seems that dear leader just rewrites anything to suit his parties whims, to the point that he is daring the media to spin it his way. Re: welfare de-reform especially. Of course, when they come to enforce the Obamacare mandate, turning tail and fleeing will not be on the ROE table that day.
Someone does make one
Looks like a long eye relief scope is required. Detachable box mags (4 round, WTH) I could see the primary being 4, but extras? How about a Pmag version? Had to throw that in:) Mossy makes a .223 that takes STANAG mags, why not .308? Or am I not looking hard enough?
So, the FBI says 'nothing to see here'
In regards to the racial aspect of Zimmerman being beaten by Martin. Guessing that means Zimmerman is just down to special persecutor Corey, and her reach for the stars second degree murder charge. "Betting on America's" big wish is for this to be continued until next year at a minimum. Don't want to rile up all those "White" Hispanics they are profiling* on the 4473 forms, now, do we?
Not that it would always be the wisest choice, but what if the speedy trial option was chosen? As in what happened to Jay Lewis here in Iowa? I realize in his case, to put it mildly, he had nothing better to do, being locked up with no ability to get bail. With the secondary bonus of an incompetent, antigun media that values the antigun sentiment far above and beyond any other aspect of the story.
I wonder how much money will be owed to the officers losing their jobs over the more and more justified non-action they took in this case?
Sorry for the linkage to the DM Regi$ter. I feel like a 47%er with the $, but their crapola isn't worth paying for without a major attitude adjustment.
*Actual profiling! Not the made up, 'your** mean' kind, but actual profiling! Would make no sense even if the Agency forcing it on FFL's hadn't just been allowing guns to flow to a country populated by those of that ethnicity.
** wrong on purpose
Added: read some of the later comment thread at Hot Air. Some real winners there, almost like they haven't been following the case since the day it broke.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Paper punching
These 6.8 loads are shot through my new Troy Claymore. Shot 3 with ear pro off my left ear; no ringing, WHAT DID YOU SAY SONNY? So it might help for hunting. Seems to have moved the POI right.
The left group marked 120 was fired after the first 20 7.62x54r rounds were fired. The right group I took more time, but still had trouble holding it steady- 3 of the shots were ripped off. The loads didn't lock back on the last shot once, either. The center group was a mag test fired as quickly as I would like to beat on this gun and get on target.
And it's back
Still don't know about teh phone; it went nuts again, so I tried one last thing- cleaning the contacts on the micro USB port in the off chance some freak bit of metal got in there on the same day as the update. (actually a possibility, between work and trimming brass at home) I did like the custom rom I tried, no bloat and very easy to install. Maybe I'll find the links tomorrow and post them; it was quite an improvement over the stock
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
We must do something now!!11!
We must start doing something, or else global warming will be irreversable. More like, our bullshit will be proven false. Just like every emergency! scam needing a law, more time makes the urgency seem downright laughable.
Now if we can just get the US out of the UN....
Phone fun
It's not actually bricked, it just goes apeshit thinking it is plugged in sometimes and
*added. Returned to bone stock- see what happens.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Quote of the day
Communists are just liberals in a hurry!
The article itself deals with a WSJ article about union spending on elections being 4x higher that what is offically admitted. Because they are required to disclose more to the Labor Department about the actual amounts spent internally organizing vs the FEC only looking at amounts spent on external money spent. (I'm guessing ad buys, etc- No WSJ sub, can't read the whole thing) I'm sure the reaction to this is, OMG, we can't let this continue! Quick,
That was wierd
Instead, the annoying new interface makes it hard to do layouts in a WYSIWYG format. Progress!!!
I let a pollster slip through the cracks
Question 1- Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Obama is doing?
Disapprove, that is a given.
Question 2- Are you going to vote for Obama, or Romney this fall?
None of the above, at this time.
Question 3- Are you going to vote for Boswell, or Latham (house)?
My answer confused the guy a little. It's a tossup. He counted it as none of the above, too.
Not really. As part of our depopulation (or just slow growth) we are losing a rep, so we have two incumbents running in one district. And Boswell actually does give a rip about gun rights- he did vote to hold Holder in contempt, after all. And there is the whole whipping ass thing he did during the home invasion that included the anti-gun freaks worst nightmare- a gun was pointed at people, no good guys died, and the crime was thwarted by the introduction of the self defense weapon.
Going to have to think this one over.
* It was from the Republican Party of Iowa. Don't think they liked my answers. Well, too bad- get a better ticket, or grow a spine on issues other than the economy. The VP better not be a drone hack.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Death and Carbon Taxes
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said it would be "reprehensible" if any cemetery was taking advantage of grieving families by overcharging them for funerals.
scare quotes in original, don't know if he held up his hands while giving the quote, or wrote it that way.
So, how do you implement the carbon tax, sir? I'm assuming the tax is levied on all businesses that employ workers, machinery or exist. I prefer that all taxes be passed directly to the person paying the bill, in this case, the dead man's family, not hidden. (The Tax That Shalt Not Be Named) After all, they are a direct tax on an activity, correct? Just like a sales tax, they are quantifiable.
Whoops, got ahead of myself. It is illegal in Oz to point out the cost of government to customers. Technically, businesses are having to raise prices to cover all the supply chain increases, and the TTTSNBN commission is insulted by blaming it on their taxes. Fauxahanutas would be proud.
And they give direct payment to those making under a certain amount to "offset" the costs involved. I thought you tax an activity to reduce it from occuring. The whole point is to price the lower income types from being able to afford electricity or fuel, thereby reducing carbon emissions. Hell, hasn't the U.S. dropped to below 1999 CO2 levels just by having a crappy economy? That is the first stated goal of the Aussie TTTSNBN law. The green nuts should be happy as hell, but they are pissed that we did it the easy way, forcing banks to make loans to people that can't pay them back, not hammering them with irrational taxes.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
R.I.P. Ernest Borgnine
Parts ordered
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Grrr, somebody go kick the server

Friday, July 6, 2012
Betting on America
Quick, call 1-800-BETSOFF.
Roll Your Own
Not that smoking will be allowed in the planned healthcare future. But every moron bureaucrat's random ideas will be. There must be something in those 13000 pages of healthcare regulations that are being churned out based on the
No range report
Overheated at work yesterday, had stuff to do around the house, and by the time I was freed up, watching reruns of Big Bang Theory and Men at Work seemed like a fine distraction. MaW isn't that bad. For a cable show.
I have some hotter loads for the 6.8. More of the 28.3 grain stuff and some 29.2 grain loads.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Fun fireworks last night
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Simon Conway at USS Iowa video
I guess I now have exactly one reason to visit LA now......
Bloomberg presides over eating contest weigh in
Either Bloomberg had no sense of irony, or is straight up two faced when it comes to his own ideals. What's next, presiding over an event hosted by the NRA? I noticed other sites have video, but I haven't had a chance to watch yet.
H/T to Ace. Bloomberg annoys him too.
Monday, July 2, 2012
My wife dined with the Governor today!
Range time
![]() |
50 yards- 10 shots, all on target- this m44 doesn't like me. |
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The batch marked 4 started to really hurt. |
I need a chronograph....
Obligatory zombie target- I'm almost through these, then it will be zombie boars. Believe it or not, this was 150 or so Remington Thunderbolts from my 10-22. Only one misfired, and it went bang on the second trip. Somehow, the scope on that gun is shooting 3" right. I'll post the name of the trigger maker's kit I installed, but it has been 15 years or so, and I don't remember offhand. It did require fitting.
Reloads ready for range time tonight
Put together some 6.8 and some Russian stuff. It's only going to be 97* today. Cooler than last time.
Looks like ARP is taking barrel orders again. Now I've got to decide- 18" or 20". I guess his 16s are faster than most 20" barrels, so anything longer is gravy.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Wow, France out nannies the civilized world
Reminds me of the Top Gear episode they were doing the fuel economy run, and Clarkson noted that all cars in France must have a reflective vest in them. So he wore his the entire time.
Another article notes that one of Sarkozy's buddies runs a formerly failing breathalyzer company, and personally lobbied for the law. Guess that makes it crony socialism? Sarkozy was conservative for France, still socialist.
Which proves that the law has no point. Are the cops in France too damn cheap to have their own testers?
Less JD post 4
Eating reduced carbs, the weight comes off in groups sometimes, at least that is my experience. I'm guessing I'll level out at 217 for a few weeks, then rapidly lose more. I suppose there is a tax on weight loss in Obamacare somewhere that I owe.