Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
On paper, at least
This is at 50 yards, S&B 180 grain, with the sight picture at full 6 o'clock hold.
Same target, same ammo, center hold, 2 more rounds.
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6.8 SPC, 90 grain Speer TNT, 30 grains H322, CCI450 primer, Hornaday brass. 100 yards. I'm going to make more like these. Of course, this was the first group of the day I shot. |
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9 shots of the surplus 7.62x54R. 100 yards. All were on paper. Why not 10? Because I forgot one on the bench! (Same target as the 6.8) 6 o'clock hold. |
The front sight on the m44 looks like someone drifted it to the right at some point in the past. Might need to go a little more right (F.O.R.S.) to at least line up the pattern on the center of the target. Seems to be 2-3" right at 50, 6" right at 100 yards. (Slow fire, anyway)
Cleaned the rifle's bore with windex, then hot waterwashed it out at home, then Hoppes patches, brush, then oily patches.
Here is ze list list
What exactly does a gun offender list do?
Optimally, he said, the registry would change the mind-set among some that gun crime is acceptable. “That’s the mentality,” Howard said. “It’s a lot of handgun violence out there. . . . If we could drive those numbers down, that would be a win-win for the community.”
Shouldn't the punishment for the original crime be the deterrent? The gun is just the tool. Of course evil profiling will rear its head too. Plus, apparently non gun crime is cool with them and not deserving of a public warning.
TL;DR version: if you can't trust someone in society, do not keep releasing them.
H/t uncle
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Under the handguard
Grew some nasty rusty patches. These actually look worse than they are, but are not encouraging by any means. Again, this is a rifle my brother bought to be a wall hanger at best. Going to get some ammonia/ Windex and swing by the range tomorrow to see how it does with the surplus stuff.
I also 'floated' the barrel in the stock. Anything has to be better than floating on the cosmoline/rust mixture it had before.
More Mosin Nagant stuff
Cosmoline removal for dummies
2 1000 watt halogen lamps do the trick so far. Yes, I cleaned the barrel and chamber before shooting. At least, I think I did. I'm amazed at the load of crap in the stock. It just weeps out.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Mosin-Nagant 14, me, um, 3
The .223 holes are 22.1 grains of H322 with CCI 450's and 55 grain V-Max. In my 16"- no pressure signs on those or the 23 grain loads. And some are Tula- they ran fine today in the 16" barrel, plus some sat in the sun to "help" the pressure level.
*I shot 6 or 7 with the bayonet extended and got a spread from right to left of damn near 2'. I don't think a single non-bayonet shot hit the target. Which is consistent with what I have read today- fix the bayonet, and shoot. I was using S&B 180 grain, as there was no Tula 148 grain at Sportsman's on Sunday. Something is bent in the front sight on this gun anyway- maybe I'll take some pics soon. Or I just suck at shooting.....
6.8: Speer 90 grain TNT 30.2 grains H322, CCI 250's. 100 yards.

The bottom right target was factory Hornady 110 grain BTHP. I was getting sloppy by then.So I shot 4 more rounds through the Mosin, now I'm a lefty for the rest of the day.

Sunday, May 27, 2012
6.8 at 50 and more
Speer 90 grain TNT over 29.2 grains H322, CCI 250 primers.
Sight in target- a mix of factory S&B, and 110 grain Hornaday reloads.
Some Hornaday 75 grain Steel Match through the 11.5. With a 1 in 9 twist barrel, I am surprised that it groups at all. 10 shots.
I also got the 11.5 to run on handloads. 23 grains H322, magnum primers. That is over the maximum amount per some reloading guides by using the magnum primers.No bulges on the primer.
The new lower works fine. Yay.
So that is what skittles and iced tea are for.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Sure this will count as a gun death
But some people need put down. Holy crap! Eating sumdoods face!!!!
App test
Be nice if the first post actually published instead of the app crashing.
Sorry, issues with the Android Blogger App. Can't edit at all with the browsers on my phone. Stupid App loves to insert wacky HTML into the posts if edited too much; so screwy that it screws up the layout of the blog and I have to manually reedit each post to clean them up on a real PC.
Heh, might get some Mosin-Nagant action...
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Lower problems
Ran into Sportsman's with my 4 year old for some bullets and primers. He immediately noticed the ZombieMAX bullets.
"What are those, Daddy?"
"Those are ZombieMAX bullets"
"Are they for zombies? How did they do that?"
"Someone at Hornday has too much time on their hands, son...."
Cue laughing from the counter guy............
They actually aren't priced too bad as bullets- the loaded stuff is spendy.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
More reloading results
Out of the tumbler to be sorted
In the foreground is what I've accomplished tonight. The 6.8 cases are sized, sorted, trimmed and ready to prime. The 223 is sized, sorted, and the primer cups are clean. Just need to check case length and chamfer the case mouths. .380/9mm holders are handy for the 223, and 40 S&W/.45 auto work great for the 6.8 SPC. In the background is what I readied last Sunday.
I still haven't gotten a load in the 11.5 that will lock back the bolt on the last shot. But, 21.5 grains of H322 does run it reliably, and 22.1 grains works even better. All 70 rounds of the (good) factory ammo I shot today ran just fine. The Tula would not even run the bolt. And the 6.8 loosened up the mount on the Burris PEPR to the point that the scope moved. I'd hoped with more screws than The Green Mile that it would hold steady. Bring on the 242 Locktite.....
I knew it!!!
I called this last week, but not on my blog. Some jackass on Gawker is actually saying George Zimmerman is some kind of crazy ninja that was using his face to beat Treyvon's hands bloody. Link here. Some stupid people out there. I haven't read the original yet to see if it is tongue in cheek or not. I'm guessing not.
Smug Media is Smug
Knowing California and the gun friendly Democrat
I love when anyone actually tries to say with a straight face Democrats love gun rights, then vote 95% lockstep AGAINST any gun rights proposal. We are lucky in Iowa on Shall Issue, Nutsack II was desperate to keep his job in '10 (didn't work)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Handloads go bang
I also spend Sunday working up .223 reloads. I used Federal small rifle primers and 21.1 grains of H322. 55 grain Hornaday V-Max.Loaded to 2.257-2.260". Yeah, they felt like 22 lr in the 11.5- they barely ran the bolt. They were worse than the Tula rounds. At the end I ran some factory 5.56 S&B through it, and it ran fine (lost one case :( I need to find my brass catcher) Guess my next load can either use a little more powder or a meaner primer. I also prepped over 200 .223 cases so I have a bunch ready to put primers in and reload.
Thanks to my friend Ace for letting me borrow his tumbler. (or am I going to buy it?) Hell, I'm still using his media that has been sitting in it for at least 10 years.
Don't let 6.8 sit in a steel 20 rd Bushmaster .223 mag for two days- the mag will swell and not fit worth a damn. (5 rounds only) The 5 in a 30 round P-Mag didn't swell it at all
Saturday, May 19, 2012
One way to spend Saturday night
H332, 27.2 grains. S&B brass, win lrg rifle primers, 110 Hornaday bthp. 2.26 oal +/- .002. Crimp on shoulder. Will fit in a 20 round pmag (5 max).
The S&B brass needed trimmed after resizing. I also decapped and sized Hornaday and Barrett brass tonight. The Hornady needed some trimming, the Barrett none, unless it had a damaged mouth from the extraction issues I had the first time out.
FCC- I'm paying for all this stuff myself, go away.
Disclaimer- I take no responsibility for the use of this load in your rifle. Go buy a reloading book and read it yourself. For all I know, this will blow up in my face tomorrow....
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Aw, Chris Matthews sucks at Jeopardy
This is awesome
(Totally stolen from Borepatch)
But it is my first new desktop background in over a year. Here is a link to one of my favorite clips from the show. I can't stop laughing every time I watch it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Even less JD than before
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Can't bring myself to download this
German Police shoot to miss
No, actually I was at MS-NBC for the stimulating intellectual..... Sorry, can't say that with a straight face either. What a bunch of pie in the sky whiners. If I read "Faux News" or "Teh NRA is ebil" one more time today, I think I'll puke. Love that some pro-freedom comments actually bring up the true crime numbers. The point is made that being a victim of a crime is more likely in Germany, not just the random stat of gun death.
*Yes, they have different doctrine and rules of engagement. Some may even stem from not trying to appear to fascist for some reason or another.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Shoulder working
Also, sent my check in to join the Ikes range by Elkhart. Now I just need more ammo. Time to start getting reloading equipment.....
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Hemi waterpump
Back in 08 there was a flash flood and one of our guys drove through it with our shop truck. This is the result. Another guy at work tore the engine down, cleaned the slop out, stuffed a new piston and rod in, new bearings, ran it a year and sold it. Ran fine, even plowed snow. Moral of the story: your air intake is lower than you think, unlike the linked story who knows his personal truck well.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Fugly Gun Pr0n
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UR not doing it right |
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Also doing it wrong |
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I should have gone.....
Goodies arrived!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Bullet button
Anything else is a sham intended to kill the user of the rifle in the case that it needs to be reloaded. Period. End of story. No further discussion needed or desired.