Monday, June 25, 2012

Supreme watch deux

Maybe today the Supreme Court will announce decisions on O-care and SB1070.  Or not. Drama queens.

Don't know why 'we' would get penis-y, er cocky(Family Guy). I figure whatever the most incompetent solution to either law is will occur. The mandate getting severed while the rest is upheld. Or states being told to officially butt out of all immigration law. I could see the former(and laugh), the latter might be interesting (bad interesting). Of course, if states could not make immigration laws, can they make gun laws? But I am no lawyer.


Robert Fowler said...

The SCOTUS struck down a lot of 1070. They upheld the part where the police can check immigration status of people that have been arrested.

I agree, if states can't make immigration law, why can they make gun laws. After all, the SCOTUS just said the fed makes the laws that effect everyone.

JD Rush said...

Yep, states apparently can't make laws where the treads. Don't think it means people in Illinois can carry, or non-only ones can buy NFA in Iowa just yet.