Sunday, October 21, 2012

Global Warming is fake but Planted Gun Control Questions are real

Guess you would call this a "tab clearing" or "I'm too lazy to write two posts" post.

More blowback for the article last week on 16 years of declining temps. Crickets in American "media."

From a comment at Shall Not Be Questioned, the concern troll that asked the gun control question at the Romney/Crowley debate is a member of King Bloomberg's Illegal Mayors Against Illegal Guns. I thought they only had undecided voters asking questions. /sarc Of course, I didn't know moderators had transcripts prepared for one side in a debate, either....

I also see the newspeak is rewritten to cover The Won's ass in the Failing Foreign Policy Debate on Monday. Good. I would hate to see a scapegoat arrested for a crappy movie fake id to go to waste.


Robert Fowler said...

The NYT article is bad enough, but the comments are really scary. There sure seems to be a lot of people that would shit on the Constitution just to advance a agenda. Of course the gun haters are losing members and money, so they will eventually go away.

JD Rush said...

I don't necessarily think (antis) will ever go away. There are still too many statist know-it-all pricks drawn to government. Their first response is to disarm that which they want to control.

Angus McThag said...

The Klan and the Nazi party, likewise, have never fully gone away. But they sure don't have a lot of power to direct policy, do they?