Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Windsor Heights Needs Speed Cameras?

The police chief, having solved all other crime in the area, really, really, really, really wants a speed camera on the roughly 2500 FOOT(!) stretch of I-235 that is within Windsor Heights "city*" limits. Enough to sue the state to get one on his terms. This is a city that has artificially low speed limits on roads within it's jurisdiction and enforces them without mercy. So I'm sure his rejected proposal has the speed camera "grace" setting around 59.5 MPH on a 60 MPH speed limit. The other cameras he is jealous of are set for 70 MPH in a 60 MPH limit before getting  a ticket.

I'm not even sure if Windsor Heights is responsible for both directions of travel on the little stretch of the freeway. They may only be responsible for the westbound lanes.

*Population 4860 in last census.


Robert Fowler said...

Another money grubbing asshole. They can scream safety all they want, the truth is, it's all about the money. I try to stay out of his little pisshole of a town.

Angus McThag said...

When I was commuting down from Ames it was worth it to take I-80 around to West DSM than to trek through Windsor Heights Vice's territory. Gods forbid you're speeding on University, let alone the interstate.

JD Rush said...

I have friends that live in WH. I set the cruise at 25 and idle through town. The only business I support is B Bopps and that is only once a year at best.