Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'd love to see this one

Ted Nugent promised to donate $10,000 to Bill O'Reilly's charity of choice if he, or his staff, can legally purchase a full auto weapon within 30 days without the government knowing about it. Apparently ol' Bill had been spouting off again in ignorance of all the gun control laws that actually exist in this country. He apparently thinks that the Hughes amendment to the 1986 FOPA does not exist, or the NFA of 1934.

Of course, this is a no-win situation for O'Reilly- he can't buy a NFA gun legally without notifying the government. Instant felony. If he addresses the challenge on air, he has to acknowledge that he is wrong on the issue. Hell, he might have to educate people on how hard registered guns are to legally get in this country. Subverts his lies that way, too.

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