Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Intermittent internet

I knew not voting for Algore would bite me in the butt. Guess I get to play the 8 to 12 game waiting for a tech to see what's wrong. Woo hoo.
 Here I thought it was watching Grey's on Hulu that killed it. Hell, Callie had to be brought back- does that make her a zombie? People on IMBD seem to think the whole episode needs to be put down for the count. Karev's lampshade was awesome- "She works at Seattle Grace Mercy, she'll either go crazy, get cancer, get shot by a gunman or hit by a truck, so don't get your hopes up." Yeah, I'm really current with my TV. Give me a break, other than sports and Sponge freaking Bob, it's all I bother watching. Oh, and NBC's crap reality on Sunday. Can't explain why on that one.

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