Sunday, February 19, 2012

Just give them the money is the meme, right?

You will be left alone and be safe? Well no one told these guys. They opened up on the clerk after he complied. Fortunately his boss put at least three rounds into one of the punks (another Brady candle!*) and held the other one at gunpoint until the police arrived.
 "Baaaaa But gun free zones solve all that." "I have I right to be gun free."
 No, you don't. You have a right to NOT be robbed, assaulted, maimed and murdered. All gun control does is lower the risk to the aggressor. A gorram sign will do nothing to slow the murdering thieves and crazies.

*Remember that- the people who wish you to be defenseless include aggressors who die committing violent assaults in their gun victim stats. The people who are quoted in the Media as "experts" no less.

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

"just give them what they want" the problem is, what if what they want is your life?