Sunday, February 12, 2012

More range time..

My brother went to the range with me this time- haven't been shooting with him in years. He did fine with the M&P's and loved the AR with the 22 conversion. He was impressed that it hit bowling pins at 50 yards with no sight adjustments.

I put an Apex sear into the M&P 357 frame a week or so ago and this was the first range trip. Wow. Did two things for me. Improved were I was hitting, and showed me exactly when I mess up by not focusing on the front sight. I also did the top end swap with the 9mm to the 357 frame (the front block is larger on the older frame.) That really kicked ass. Mostly the trigger combined with the lighter recoil, but that combo was damned accurate. In no way would I carry the gun with just the sear, I do want the carry spring kit too. I'm not sure about the striker block. All that does (in my head at least) is smooth out the take-up in the trigger? I will most likely get the carry kit next time with the striker block, just for the heck of it.

Also put a new hammer, pin and strut into the Taurus 1911, mainly to get rid of the abortion of a hammer that came stock on it. Ran 50 or so, no problems.

I also screwed up a reload on a M&P. It comes from my dryfire habit of minimal slide movement to reset the striker. It was a condition 3 reload and I muscle memoried the 1/2 slide movement. Partially stripped a round and held the mag in. Stupid ass me didn't lock the slide back and managed to get a double feed that would have needed a New York reload.  1. I need to practice with snap caps clearing that fail condition. 2. I have to stop resetting the striker that way. I keep telling myself that I won't do it when shooting. Proved that wrong today.

10* F today leaving the range. Was 6*F when I got in my truck.

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