Friday, February 17, 2012

Two sided gun rights story...

Too bad the anti rights side is the typical scare quotes and Brady filler. Half the links are broken (one flat said spam and my browser gave me the finger- it linked to a .exe!) or say little to nothing to support the anti freedom contention. What it boils down to is this: "OMG, did you know someone might have a gun where you might go? We have to put a stop to that." Love the "Minnesotan felons get their gun rights back" when released from prison line of thought. Hey, lefty, guess what? You support that 1000% when they vote "D" at the ballot box. "Bu bu bu but we forgot that gun rights come with having rights restored." Take your medicine.

Onto the loophole fallacy- all the gun laws in the world will not stop a criminal from walking right into all of the places mentioned and putting a bullet into your brain. Unless you post a cop at every door, public and private, and strip search everyone coming and going. We have places like that. They are called prisons and people earn the right to be there based on their actions, not the fear that something might happen.

1 comment:

Robert Fowler said...

DSavid at the War on Guns has stated many times, "If you can't be trusted with a gun, you can't be trusted without a custodian."

I believe that "most" people that have served their time should have their rights restored. Excluding violent felons.