Random part is random. Or is it?; )
Friday, August 31, 2012
Quickie range trip
Shot by me and another shooter at the range. 75 grain Hornady Steel Match. Like the Magpul K Grip. Felt weird asking them to hold the camera, so I watched one of the guys there with me shoot it, too.
I had to remind his grandson to put his ears on once.... The remark was made after I shot the first mag: wow, that is loud WITH hearing protection on...
Oh, target was at 25 yards, offhand, unsupported. On the large aperture.
Police Dog Dies After Being Locked in Squad Car
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I like live comments
Over at Ace of Spades, they are commenting on each of MSNBC's non-white cut aways. Apparently they are legion.
British thieves want to tax wealth
As an emergency measure. Apparently the wealthier subjects haven't been bled enough, so a "one time" wealth tax is being floated to keep the socialism rolling along.
Hey subjects, how's that gun control working for you now? If you think "one time" is the only time, you are mentally challenged.
So I was at this Golf Course in Chicago
I didn't know that was double secret racist! Oh, wait, it was the whitewash squad from MS-NBC declaring it, because everything at the convention this week is racist. Romney speaking on Thursday is probably racist, because the Cosby Show was on Thursdays or something.
Look, lipstick on a pig
Okay, so that is a 6.8 mag. Picked up some Magpul Ranger baseplates to try out. Helps differentiate from the 5.56 mags- sucks to grab the wrong one, and those will help. Going to try out the MOE K grip, too. I'm kinda meh on the MOE stock, so I'll run the carbine stock a little longer. Yes, still no optic on the RRA carry handle. Send me a Burris FFIII and I'll
Fun shop stories
Got some swag while I was there, too. Doesn't work, he kinda laughed at my comment, "oh, so it's a forth gen, huh?" Probably lucky he didn't throw me out of the store...
Fauxcahontas BS story gets smellier
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Zimmerman judge booted off the case
Guess his witch hunt attitude didn't go over well. Good riddance. The ruling stated he was too biased to stay on the case. No shit. Now if only Corey could be pulled too.
The Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach on Wednesday ruled that Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. in Sanford went too far when, among other things, he described Zimmerman as a manipulator.
It was "admittedly a close call," wrote Judge C. Alan Lawson, but Lester's actions, taken in total, would cause a reasonable person to fear that he is biased.
Though I believe I have heard judges say stranger things on the bench, it is nice to see one get kicked off a trial for his attitude.
And in other only ones bathroom news.
The Secret Service is among those who can't figure out the shitter carry conundrum. Guess they left a gun in the toilet on Romney's plane. Wow, in the holster always works for me.
Every time someone tells me only the police/government should have guns, I will recall stories like the above.
This might be an old defensive gun use
On a time frame note, this story is from April/May. Kathy Jackson, via her Cornered Cat page, posted it on Facebook today. The "female gun owner, butt" comment appeared today. Looks like the antis read her stuff, too.
Edit- Moved to top of stack.
If I have to explain the use of "Butt" vs "But" in the the antigun spammer description, YOU are the Butt, not me.....
Noticed a sale
I'm such a bad influence, another of my coworkers wants a 6.8. Of course, he is ex Army and unimpressed with the 5.56.
* I work for a living. I'd capitalize it if I wanted to.
No money was paid for this post- I'm just drooling....
Bookmark this link
NYPD officer goes off on training requirements. Apparently, I could qualify with my eyes closed, providing I could handle the fucktarded 12 lb trigger.
H/T to Mike V.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
If this is a time of national emergency?
Why is the President stumping in Ames, Iowa instead of flying to Nola and helping people onto the school busses himself? This is based solely on a comment I heard in the 10 minutes I listened to Limbaugh today on the drive to work. Apparently some lib commentators in the msm are saying Romney needs to stop campaigning ala McSucker in 08. Or something.
Also,why is Christie apologizing for Romney's birth certificate joke? Weak.
Hey Animal Rights Activists in Formerly Great Britain!
Sadly, in Britain, such a ban might just be the next step. And everyone wonders where both parties in this country get the nanny fetish from.
Hey, Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!
I've wondered what it would take myself, my DMPS HBar 11.5 gets damn hot when firing with the MOE handguard on it.
At least Fauxcahontas is a true facist
Glad the party of the people always seems to be the party of "Some are more equal than others."
That was fun
Monday, August 27, 2012
RNC protestors dressed as vaginas....
As opposed to looking like douche bags the other 364 days a year?
I'm here all week, try the veal.....
GAO Reciprocity Report
The report also makes fun of the pissant, dictatorial nature of may issue, singling out Maryland and California with examples that almost require you to have been shot before issuing a permit.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
That was pretty cool
My cost is $5.34 per 20 rounds using 55 grain Hornaday at $14/100, 1 lb powder $23 - 259 rounds. Using Win small rifle primers at 3.79 per 100. (I have cheaper options) Saves $2.60/box on plinking ammo IF you don't mind the time. I need cheaper bullets. I can get them cheaper at Scheels, just need to get out there. Didn't include brass, as it is paid for already, but will need replaced eventually.
Okay, maybe I am taking it too easy.
I've thought about the NYC shooting a little more. The dipshit with the .45 was closer than the steel, about at the range I shot the silhouette. And he moved about as much as the silhouette did by watching the video. The high shots on that target are the result of me moving my point of aim up- a 6'5" shooter aiming down causes ricochets off the ground when aiming down to center of mass, so I aimed between the 7 and 8 for 1/2 the shots. My guess in 151 rounds fired at the green target, and 250+ at the steel that trip. With all my poor shooting skills, the silhouette sure looks shot to hell in all the right places. The one miss would have been through the heart or lungs had I been aiming center of mass. Some of the video I posted shows the speed I was shooting, too. Mag dump speed. (with a poorly executed New York Reload included) After a (pistol) layoff of 2 months. (Gawd I love not having people whine because I'm shooting too fast- needed skill, folks)
So, I, as an average CCW holder, could or could not do better than the average NYPD? I don't shoot in matches, and have in the past year fired around 2500 pistol rounds, give or take. Well, maybe I'm not exactly the average CCW holder. I know I'm on the low end for (half ass, on my part) gun bloggers.
Mosin Recoil Pad Review
I also have this pad on an 870. I have a Limbsaver on my 500, but chose the Supercell primarily because I was going to hack the living crap out of it, and it was cheap. I've never liked the slip on pads, so this one was it. The wooden stock version is flat on the edge, and has some flex to match the Mosin.
Wow. Talk about recoil reduction. Blasted 20 rounds of Brown Bear 174 grain ammo as fast as I could get it back on target. I wasn't sitting there on the last five shots thinking, "okay, you masochistic SOB, why again are you shooting this thing again?" I highly doubt Remington will make one to custom fit the Mosin, but they should.
I don't think that I can sand this to fit. I don't see the advantage to doing much more to it, other than adding material at the top to keep the pad from catching on clothing
I melted the holes with a soldering iron, as the material is very resistant to the screws. The extra hole was me attempting to use measure once, cut twice method.

50 yard target- Darkotic targets are fairly waterproof, as it was raining while I was shooting. I wasn't the only one at the range in the rain, either. Just like I wasn't the only one shooting in 0 degree weather last winter.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Stopped by the fun show and fun store today
So I just decided to swing by Rhine, Obama Campaign was open for (un)business. While I was BSing, a pair of workers came in and looked at guns. :) They also sold 2 AR-15's, 1 AR-10A (T) and a stripped lower while I was in the store. So the campaign sure isn't hurting business. I need a picture. Cars in the way today.
Watched the video of the suicide by cop in NYC
I think most of the blowback online is due to the breathless reporting of "Mass Shooting at Empire State Building" when the actual story is ex-employee shoots boss, then draws on police. The actual shooting takes only a few seconds, from draw to gunman down.
I give up
I have one of Remington's fancy pads on my 870 and like it. Fudd Pro (can't really call 'em that anymore; AR feevva is there too) had the one for wood stocks. Well, hell, the Mosin has a wood stock.......Plus the Supercell is fairly cheap at $20.
Burned screw holes with a soldering iron, drilled one in the skull crusher, screwed it down. I'll give it a run and see how it feels, then try to make the curtains match the drapes.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Romney and the birth certificate joke
Damn it, why does he have to go being all funny and likeable right now? Of course, that was McCan't and Bob Dole's bane*; acting like stick in the mud wussy boys when they should have been jabbing and punching. Perfect antidote to the Mormon hit jobs. Now we are back to 0bozo. Whatever I dislike about Romney, he is a tough guy in a campaign. Hope he keeps it up. This is fun.
*Batman Bane, not Bain Capital.
Interesting Koolaid parts
Not sure if want- don't know if I'm ready to give up irons yet. I've found other mounts searching as well, and have no real plans as of yet to do it.
Watching a Current TV hit piece
I started this post Wednesday, and some personal stuff came up. I noticed yesterday Drudge had something up about 2 (real) networks running hit pieces on the Mormon Church. Heh. Again, all the libs were stage whispering, "He's a Mormon, those evangelical types will never vote for him." Guess now is the time to remind everyone of that fact. So, is the MSM also not fond of Harry Reid?
Emily Miller on Ammo
She points to the PSH about the government ordering hollow points. My objection to the whole issue is, why does every tin pot government agency need to be armed, with police powers? I could care less WHAT they will shoot me with, and more to do with the fact that they CAN.
Though hollow points have been around a little longer than the 20 years she alludes to in the article, she may also be basing this off of Winchester's own bullet points from her tour this week. Modern hollow points have come a long way in the past 20 years; that may be the point she was trying to make. She does have to get her point across without having to do a 2000 word essay on the history of the brass cartridge. And she has to do it in a town populated by PSH artists who love to get things banned because it only increases their power.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Second Amendment Rally This Weekend
Maybe next time I can get a media pass (HAHAHA. Pause for effect, WHOO I think I'm pretty funny, anyway) and an excuse to get off work.
LOL at the Gun Shop
Then they asked, "Did you see who rented the storefront next door?"
Me: ????
RG: "The Obama Campaign. :)"
Me: LOL!
Looks like they are setting up a satellite office right next door to a tactical firearms store! One that sells stuff on the internet! I forgot to ask them if they have to pay extra to be located next to such a sales booster. I'll get a pic sometime and post it.
Our fine justice system on the case
"It was an absolutely horrible decision," Lee told the Parole Board. "The worst decision I've ever made in my life."
Well, that is nice- admits he decided to pull the trigger. Doesn't matter if he thinks the gun is loaded or not. That is a childish excuse. Tells you what works and doesn't work in our legal system. I could go to prison for not having health insurance (if you believe the bull in that bill about the IRS not actually being able to do just that, you really don't know how our system works) but murder gets you 5 years by saying "I pointed a deadly weapon at the guy, pulled the trigger, but it's not my fault it was loaded."
I'd say release the guy to a halfway house next door to the judge. Too late, judge passed away a few years ago.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Coffee on keyboard alert
First world problems
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Target pics
Pics from the videos posted below.
I like the way this mosin groups.
The 9mm was NATO and +P Ranger T 124 grain. The 40 was Ranger 180 HP subsonic. Tula "hunting" 148 grain was run in the '43 m91/30.
Shooting like crap- now in HD
Took the 1943 out, had the range to myself, so I whipped out the camera and tripod. The new Mosin has a bayonet allergy, so it was sight adjustment time. Initial shots:
Watch more dirt fly, after adjusting the sights. All shots aimed at the bottom of the target. Now for the comedy part of our routine: Wow, I am rusty as hell with a pistol. Glock or M&P, no difference. I flat suck .7 or 10 yards. Yes I hear the zings- they are from the bullets impacting the ground at 80 yards or the side of the berm. I've watched other shooters do it before. But I do adjust my POA for later shots. As seen below.
Illegal Immigrants protest their Illegal Status
And "racial justice," what the holy hell is that? Sounds like something the asshole in Wisconsin thought he was engaging in.
Looks like Emily Miller is enjoying the Winchester tour
Today, she posted a video shooting
I hope she doesn't have to do the female range dance today.
Monday, August 20, 2012
ABC blows it again
Edited no proof Brian Ross is behind this-yet.
Employee shoots sword wielding suspect
Below is a reenactment of the incident:
National Right to Carry
*Spell check fail- it recommend "Einstein." And they say computers don't have a sense of humor....
Rumors and speculation- Chicago
Let me guess the angle that will be taken. No mention of the strict gun control in Chicago and Illinois, creating a monopoly of force for those in charge and for those willing to break the law. If they do, it will blame the court cases spanking Chicago for banning handguns for the uptick in violence. The guns will have come from "evil dealers" or the "gun show loophole." (
Why would the media
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Elizabeth Warren’s Dukakis Tank moment
Seriously, I've been reading Professor Jacobson long before Limbaugh mentioned him on air. Yes, I linked twice to him in one day. But, his stuff is worth it.
Totally unscientific poll
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Photographic proof of my dorkitude
My wife has (had?) a mockingjay bookmark/pendant thingy at one time or another. She's the one who got me started reading the series.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Canada is very low key
Since 2007 on the western coast of Canada, about a dozen severed feet encased in shoes have washed up on beaches near Vancouver, along the southern Georgia Strait and off Washington state in separate incidents. Most of the remains are unidentified, although investigators said at least two of the feet belong to men who were reported missing.
In previous cases, police said it appeared the feet separated from bodies naturally in the water and foul play wasn't suspected.
Wait, what? So how did they get there? No foul play suspected. Do people just cut off their feet and throw them in the water in Vancouver?
We have reduced carbon dioxide to 1992 levels!
Wow, what a waste of government time. Looks like they can fire the entire EPA division devoted to CO2. They sure as hell suck at their jobs.
University of Colorado Segregation
They do a bunch of legal ninja bs though, claiming that the purchase of an athletic ticket constitutes an agreement to not carry at the applicable events. Wonder how that holds up in court.
Death Cards
Thursday, August 16, 2012
FRC shooting
Sounds like domestic terrorism to me. Planned to murder people and leave Chick-fil-A sandwiches next to the bodies. Failed because he never fired his weapon prior to his fail fest, limpwristed it, and it stove piped. And anti gunners don't believe that gun control is using both hands. All unconfirmed, just pieced together from random blog posts and articles I've read.
Maybe if he shaved his junk......
Quick, somebody warn the wacky cawk guy about this
*Not trying to be a prudish, just didn't want one of the 7 words in the title.
Last video from yesterday.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Range videos
The third video, from a different perspective, is stuck in YouTube hell, I guess. I'll post it later.
Line at the new Chick-fil-a
*They had some kind of free chicken for a year giveaway.
Trolling for clicks
I thought about "not plagiarized on CNN" but like what I settled on.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
You can have my eggs when you pry them.....
Next week, the exact opposite study will be released, of course.
So was this study sponsored by whiney vegans or the beef alliance? Of course some fucktarded* lawmaker** will rush to intro a bill....
*spell check on my phone likes that word.
** cough, Bloomberg, cough.
Added: I hate to reiterate, but are they sure they aren't looking at symptoms rather than the problem?
You might be a gun nut
Buying a $100 rifle, then picking up a $40 cleaning rod to clean it. Justifying that by the reasoning that at $100, you will pick up one or two more down the road......
President shuts down the most important part of the state fair: Updated
Glad I am stuck working tonight. What a mess that must be down there.
Update: At least $25K. He was keeping up the tradition of hosting the President when he comes to the fair. And the American tradition of free speech, too.
I want that job
There is a little blurb about the Army ordering riot gear. Now that might fire up the old tin foil hat.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Mosin range pics
If you think I slow fired the Mosin, you must be kidding yourself.......I have stripper clips coming :)
And I got approval to use self healing rubber targets at 100 yards. Woo- hoo.

10 more Prvi at 100. All sighted bottom center. 223 holes are from the 11.5 at 100 with Nosler 60 grain.
The range was packed today. When I got there, just one family was shooting. By the time I left, people were waiting for space to shoot. On a Monday morning 11:30 AM or so. I'm used to being the only one there. Danged perfect weather...
Should get me a rep as "that guy that rapid fires Mosins," though. For good or bad....