Saturday, September 8, 2012

Another NYPD civilian shooting

An officer shot one of the victims in a robbery. The two workers were running from the goblins, and one ran right at an officer. The officer may have shot as or because the guy ran into him. I haven't decided from watching the video. I do know one thing from watching the video- no way in hell I'd be a clerk and not pack heat. If you are going to be shot, it might as well be defending yourself from criminals. At least the police won't have to feel bad about shooting you on accident- be it mistaking you for a perp or a negligent discharge. Heck, in Iowa you are allowed to pack at work without a carry permit.

Of course, in Sullivan Law equipped Bloomberg-dice, only the well connected, very rich, and criminals have guns. All exactly as the law was intended. Criminals having guns was the original intent of the law. No wonder NYC doesn't prosecute out of state people too hard. The Supreme Court might pimpslap them back to 1911.

I wonder what prior charges the former honor students* have had in the past. Shitbags don't start out with armed robbery.

*Honor students may only apply in Chicago.

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