Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Amendment Under Attack

Now I'm getting good and pissed off. I mentioned it in a previous post, but want to repeat it here. Fascist morons who want the government to prosecute people for what they say about one religion are in fact making the offended religion the state religion.

Now, if the media and government employees* can stop worrying about what some Coptic Christians and Terry Jones did (nothing illegal) and notice that killing an Ambassador is a pretty serious deal. It looks like all Jones did was meet with the filmmakers once. Shit, it's a trifecta! Freedom of association attacked, too.

 It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out the "Muslim Outrage" is just a cover for standard terrorism. Just that the criminals who enjoy taking rights away have no problem assigning blame to their favorite "hate" groups. In this case, anyone who isn't involved with Islam.]

*Wonder if she was tweeting from government owned equipment. In some states, that is grounds for termination.

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