Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I see not all of the teachers are picketting

Some seem to be online, spamming websites with their cases. Somehow, in a Democrat controlled city, in a Democrat controlled state, the Republicans seem to be at fault for all of it. One comment: ZOMG RAHMBO is to the right of the Republicans on this school issue!!11!one!!*

One thing is for sure: The students are not getting any worse an education by not having teachers there. 58% graduation rate? Why bother?

One thing I've noticed, much of the partisan Chicago media seems to side with the mayor. Interesting. Trying to curry favor, I'd wager. Usually, journalists have never met a strike they didn't like. Or the whole thing is just political theater to set Obama up as some kind of mediator. I don't know if I subscribe to that theory, myself.

*Okay, I rewrote that slightly.

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