Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aw, look, another planted article for the election

In Reuters, naturally. Some load of crap about how a carbon tax could magically halve the deficit. Of course, using their math, it would raise 144 billion per year, 10 years from now. The current deficit is 1200 billion. LOL at fake math. This article is just a plant to give someone a talking point in the future. They even manage to confuse the deficit with the debt. Why do they even need the tax? Between the crap economy and low natural gas price, carbon emissions are at a 20 year low.

Love the twenty year plus setup of false science to attempt to control people through taxation. I can't decide if it was incompetent science trying to justify free money with ever increasing bullshit, or statists wishing for increased control and latching onto a fringe idea, pushing it mainstream. Most likely both.

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