Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sweet 6.8 news
Hmmm, nice bonus
Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Brown Truck will have something for me soon
I thought about doing a series of pics detailing the build, but I had it together before I remembered the camera.
Poor lower looks all sad and lonely. Maybe I'll take pics of the headspace checks. That reminds me, I need to start soaking the BCG in lube....
Oh, I plan to make the curtains match the drapes on this one. Without spray paint. Just can't decide on what stock to choose. There are too many choices within a few dollars of each other.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Methinks Fox put the wrong feed on delay
From the clip of the car chase ending in a suicide today. Unless the version I saw was doctored. Search for it yourself. Not the stupidest thing I've seen on TV.
British Fascists Let Flag Fly High
Of course, the troll types will lie to your face about every case where the defenders receive more jail time than the criminals. "In this case, x happened. That one, y" Guess what, if the criminal was not on their property, they would not have gotten shot. Any politician or judge pulling shit like that needs tarred and feathered. Of course, isn't that an American thing?
*Maybe that is what all the PSH about "wild west gunfights" is about. The anti-gun crowd really does equate self defense with crime, simply because they do not actually care about people. Only controlling them.
H/T to Miguel.
Crap roundup
Matt Damon's anti-fracking movie is financed by people with a vested interest. No, not environmentalists- they live on the government teat. In fact, the movie had to be rewritten because it turns out most of the anti-fracking people are crooked. The funny part is that the movie partially financed by the royal family of the UAE.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Simon Conway interviews Emily Miller
He was filling in for Andy Dean yesterday. I'm not sure what time it was, this is the link to the first hour. I think she is in the third hour here.
Hard to find audio from my phone. I can't listen to the Squirrel Report live at all.
Ugly gun porn
Fauxcahontas was practicing law in MA Update
Update: another post. Looking more and more like Elizabeth Warren was practicing law.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Okay Censors
It amazes me the number of college professors that hate free speech. Wait, no it doesn't. Not at all. They are used to getting toady like responses from groveling students wanting a passing grade. It is pathetic when they write an opinion piece deriding someone else's speech and calling for the government to 'do something.'
*Isn't that Hilary's title? Dear leader would be 0bama.
I don't know why I'm pimping this
I don't get any money from it, and they seem to have sales once a month. Palmetto State Armory has lpks etc on sale again. My lpk and stock kit finally showed, slapped it together, but have not shot it yet. Now if they would just build and ship my upper from the last sale they had last month...
Aw, look, another planted article for the election
Love the twenty year plus setup of false science to attempt to control people through taxation. I can't decide if it was incompetent science trying to justify free money with ever increasing bullshit, or statists wishing for increased control and latching onto a fringe idea, pushing it mainstream. Most likely both.
Ames Iowa About to find out what Preemption Means
We need the RKBA amendment in Iowa now. Republicans may be wishy-washy, but the Democrats voted damn near lock step against it.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
I feel a post coming on
Different topic- I notice when regular media writers and/or activists mascarading as journalists (but I repeat myself) blog, they refer to a solitary post as a 'blog' as opposed to a 'post,' when all they have is basically a weekly or even irregular posting schedule, usually based on the
2 lbs boneless pork rib
1/2 lb bacon for flavor
2 pineapple kiddie size cups- my son won't eat them, to I used them to line the bottom of the crock pot
1 cup Stubbs Bourbon Hickory BBQ sauce
1 packet Lipton mushroom+onion soup powder
Brown sugar
Chili 9000
I put the pineapple in the bottom of the crock pot, put the pork on top of that. Mixed the BBQ sauce and soup, poured it on top of the ribs. Layered the bacon to cover the BBQ sauce mix, then covered that with brown sugar and topped with Chili 9000. 10 - 11 hours on low. Do what you want with the bacon- I ate it to get to the pork ;) Most of the pineapple was discarded, the rest mixed with the juice to cover the pulled pork.
I like this guys work
H/t to Sipsey Street Irregulars.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Cut off your nuts and live longer?
Give me a break. The article claims eunichs in fuedal crap hole Korea outlived the ordinary male by 14 to 19 years. Less testosterone was theorized to make the difference. (Because !nuts) It goes on to say the eunichs were allowed to be servants the the rich and royalty. Wait, so they didn't have to work the fields or fight wars? Well I'm kinda thinking something else might account for the discrepancy in longevity.
Bishop gets life
For her faculty shootings back in 2010. She pled guilty a few weeks ago, and was sentenced today. Screw the media and the attempts to link her to the TEA Party and or the NRA.
Now why do they keep playing reindeer games with the Ft Hood terrorist? Trying to push that one off until after the election. Be funny if Zimmerman made the news soon.
Fixed stupid auto correct mistake.
Fake Indian also a Fake Lawyer
Sunday, September 23, 2012
I think I found my new desktop background
Snooki edition
Shopping at the fun show, saw this DPMS. Also, tried to get Ace to buy an M&P 15 sport. Because when he gets bored with it, I would buy it.... Either that or buy a striped lower from, oh, this guy.
Picked up frog lube, powder, bolt carrier, brass and some cheap bullets in 223.
Off to the fun show
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Surprise while cleaning my rifle
What is in the bottom of my range bag?
I don't have anything in 50AE, just brass I found. Same with the 30 carbine. A few pieces for my collection.
While I was cleaning out and organizing the range bag, I mixed up 2 quarts of Mobil 1 ATF and 5w20 synthetic oil, with a little Marvel Mystery air tool oil added on top. I like how the AR's have been running on what little I made last time. This much should last years.
What is on my desktop
Yep, lots of stupid icons I never use.
Desktop PC (a) and (b) now have random Windows stock photos or nothing, because kids and pics of
Friday, September 21, 2012
Well, that was either a grand idea or an epic cluster.....
Must not click buy
Also, excellent name for a webshow.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
They will take your gun away and kill you with it
The good news, it was a criminal getting his gun taken away. From the sounds of it, the corpse had a hell of a record, too. No word on if the DC zampolitz will charge the victim with unlawful possession of a firearm.
Like Christmas that doesn't come
Now, if you post on their "where is my friggin order post" on, suddenly your two week old order starts getting acted on. Good to know.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
So, someone in France does still have a pair
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Nice- Libyan Ambassador had Unarmed Guards
Terry Jones Arrest Warrant in Egypt
I will have to fix this in post ;) but for now this comment at Ace of Spades damn near made me wash iced tea off my phone. #16
United States of Bacon to Film in Des Moines Wednesday
Media Matters is an offical arm of the DOJ
Phobia? This just occurred to me.
What movie caused 9/11/01?
Monday, September 17, 2012
Rumor: blind shiek to be returned?
What in the holy hell is this, kill an American, win a prize month? Between the pathetic scapegoat they have now (ohs noes, we can't defend someone convinced of fraud once. /but no one was left to speak for me) and the hilarious doublespeak coming out of the administration over the weekend, this would not surprise me in he least. ( yes, the Libyans want to put a positive spin on their country, but the videos do jibe more with them than with our horse shit appeasement strategy) That is all I've got, I'll go grumble in the corner for awhile.
Amy Bishop pleads guilty
Good. Sick, twisted individual there. You know, one of those TEA Party types. Oh, wait, she was an 0bama supporter. That is why her story dropped off the radar. Didn't fit the narrative.
CSGV latest screed for Constitution Day
Fisk time! Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop (only) Gun Violence has a new post on his Huffington Post blog.
So, Josh thinks America sucks more. Good to know.
And the states required amendments before agreeing to ratify the Constitution. Why? Because they had just fought a war against a petty tyrant and wanted to limit the power of the newly formed Republic.
He said God! Doesn't he know we all BELONG to the government. The government needs robust limits on what it can do.
Their laws don't work, their lies don't ring true ... Government has failed us with our money and our financial institutions. It has failed in running our post offices and trains. It has failed in enforcing our immigration laws, our drug laws, and our laws against violent criminals with guns. Heck, they can barely get the snow plowed ... By its lies and laws and lack of enforcement, government policies are getting us killed and imprisoning us in a society of terrifying violence.
That flag he is wearing is wrapped pretty tight.
Boy, he really doesn't like the fact that gun control is the preferred tool of fascist dictators worldwide. Every time genocide occurs, it is preceded by taking away the means of defense from the victims.
How does he breathe with the flag tied that tightly? I'm getting concerned here.
Not sure about that comparison to the bear chow guy. Is Horowitz out on the streets, taking guns away from gang members personally? Or is he just advocating the government do it for him? Wait, he is more concerned with legally owned guns.
Why invite the head of the Chicago PD to speak about reducing homicides?
The red circled event sounds like fun. Though not the most annoying thing on the schedule. Dealing with Occupy Groups rates series of meetings. Social media and cyberbullies get several. These sound fun too:
One Team One Fight: Military and Civilian Law Enforcement Confronting Crime Facing The Nation and How Both Types of Law Enforcement Can Share Information and Work Together More Effectively.
Hope it is just about crimes committed by those in the military.
Best Practices for Mobile Device Extraction.
A warrant would be nice. Unless we are talking about from a cavity, then calling a doctor would help.
UCR Rape Statistics Will Increase Significantly: Preparing to Properly Clear and Report Cases and Explain the Stats to Your Community.
Uh, oh. Rape Rape and Rape are classified as the same thing now. Maybe Aiken from Missouri can help out.
Surveilling First Amendment Activities from Drones to Exclusion Zones
Well, that sounds like fun.
How to Prepare an Application to the FAA for Operating an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in Law Enforcement

Hey, I'm sensing a pattern here.
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS): Integrating sUAS Technology into American Law Enforcement Operations
I can't quite put my finger on it......
Chief, You're Under Fire - From the Media
Well, duh.
"Say What!?" A Review of Recent United States Supreme Court Fifth Amendment Self-Incrimination Case Law
The Truth about Red Light Cameras: Experiences of Existing Users Impacting Community Traffic Safety and Officer Safety
It's all about the money, money, money....
CeaseFire Chicago: A Public Health Approach to a Public Safety Problem
Yep, because that is working so well.
Investigating and Preventing Gun Violence in Our Communities: Taking A Collaborative Approach to Ensure that Every Crime Gun's Story is Heard
How about talking about the criminals behind the trigger? Or focusing on the guns that stop crime.
Meet the Bloggers
Somehow I don't think Dectective Shaved Longcock or SCC will be there.....
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Last Resort: Cautiously Optimistic
I'm sure the usual suspects will be the bad guys. I don't know how long it will last, but I would like to see just where they are going with it. Being produced and written by Shawn Ryan of The Shield, it might hold up for a little while.
We are winning on one front
Picture is from the Sunday Walmart circular. Funny, Altoona has those in stock.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I can't beat this dead horse enough.
What the hell are are we doing hauling people off at midnight? The Libya assassinations had jack to do with the grade F movie, and the Islamists are laughing their asses off at us eating our own rights.
Felt the urge yesterday
Friday, September 14, 2012
Bacon for breakfast, suck it Justice Department
Oh, and if they want to come arrest me for being fat, I've lost 45 lbs eating like this every day. Would Michelle Obama like to know the secret to my success? Ignore fat. Low carbs*. My BMI is now normal (24.3) even though I think that BMI is a load of crap.
Below are the boneless ribs (bought on sale!)
One onion, about 1/2 bottle Cookies BBQ- sweet hickory flavor(Read the ingredients), 3 lbs pork rubbed with garlic salt, pepper, some Cookies flavor enhancer. And honey on the top of each piece of pork. 10 hours on low.
Little home assembled coleslaw (lazy) and yay! Lunch!
*The difference between me and nanny fascists like Bloomberg- He forces people to not eat sugar at the government end of the barrel of a gun.
Great, x threats called in to Universities in America
Defensive Gun Use in New Jersey
Police say the pharmacist, identified as Dr. John Agyemang, distracted the suspect by telling him there was someone entering the store. While the suspect turned around, Agyemang ran to the back of the store and got his gun, according to police.
The suspect fled the store, with the pharmacist chasing after him. Authorities say Agyemang fired at least five shots at the suspect outside the pharmacy
The only 2 things I can fault. One, off body carry. Two, shooting outside the store at a fleeing suspect. Strangely, the New Jersey cops were cool with it, at least according to the video. Now, if it turns out the Goblin was firing back, fault point two is invalidated.
I wish there was better video. What little I have seen of the suspect, he's a dude dressed in drag to disguise himself from the camera. I seem to remember a little song that would go perfectly with a criminal running away.....
I hate Pennsylvania Zombies
COPS: Naked, Bloody Man Gnawed On Woman's Head During Wild Neighborhood Rampage...
The above was after he jumped out of a second floor window.
Are we sure these bath salts or whatever really aren't the first signs of the Zompocalypse?
*Not letting that go.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Guess the government is against free speech
Throw in the towel. The FBI is after the financiers of the cheesy movie that the fake uprisings are about. The justice department is run by criminals. Might as well start posting unicorn fart videos and stuff.
Added: Maybe they should just read drudge. Hint to Holder: embassy attack was in response to a drone strike. No crime committed.
Fixed title. Fone was for auto correct before it was against it.
BBQ at the Embassy
She and the commentors have the right idea. I do like the bacon enriched napalm idea myself. Wish I had thought of it.
Especially with all of the reports of the Marines being ammo free (A Clinton, ordering soldiers disarmed. Never happen. /sarc) and some of more disgusting reports of what happened in Libya.
Gun shop stories
"What is THAT. What do you use that for?"
I do have to say, for all the talk of Mosins drying up, I've been finding better and better samples when I do find them. Not all beat to hell like some of the Chinese m44's that are out there.
I stand with the subjects of New York City
Yeah, straight off of wackypedia. We don't even have 7-11's near me. |
Rights all too willing to be thrown under the bus
So, as more "spontaneous" demonstrations appear, will other very real attacks happen? I'd be surprised if the didn't. I'd guess a European one, just because that would appear all the more 'shocking' to the anti-rights people.
added: Guess I need to read the news before writing a post; the consulate in was Berlin evacuated.
Aw, here's another it's all Romney's fault column. TL,DR=Because Romney is for free speech, he is against it. It's really pissing me off that I have to agree with Romney here, folks. Or maybe I am knee jerking against a dipshit at Slate who doesn't get how hard the Muslims have played his ass.
Oh, and the Prof from U Penn that loves her some fascism is still on the case, now in USA Today. TL;DR= Because someone died this time, arrest them for making the movie. Again, PLAYED. And she is a religious studies professor? Guess she really doesn't get how Islam works in practice, vs the real world.
Ma'am, I see crap on TV every damn day that denigrates my beliefs. Nobody gets arrested for it. Because they shouldn't be held to my standards, however low or high those may be. Go protest the damn movie all you want. Stop trying to make the government your enforcer.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
First Amendment Under Attack
Now, if the media and government employees* can stop worrying about what some Coptic Christians and Terry Jones did (nothing illegal) and notice that killing an Ambassador is a pretty serious deal. It looks like all Jones did was meet with the filmmakers once. Shit, it's a trifecta! Freedom of association attacked, too.
It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out the "Muslim Outrage" is just a cover for standard terrorism. Just that the criminals who enjoy taking rights away have no problem assigning blame to their favorite "hate" groups. In this case, anyone who isn't involved with Islam.]
*Wonder if she was tweeting from government owned equipment. In some states, that is grounds for termination.
Grumble, nice thing to say about Romney, Grumble
[Totally objective, LOL] reporter:
REPORTER: if you had known last night that the ambassador had died, i’m gathering you did not know. [T]hat came later. if you had known that the ambassador had died.
Mittens:ROMNEY: i’m not going to take hypothetical what would have been known when and so forth. we responded last night in the events that happened in egypt.
“America will not tolerate attacks against our citizens and against our embassies. We will defend also our constitutional rights of speech and assembly and religion. We have confidence in our cause in America. We respect our Constitution. We stand for the principles our Constitution protects. We encourage other nations to understand and respect the principles of our Constitution because we recognize that these principles are the ultimate source of freedom for individuals around the world.
“I also believe the Administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt instead of condemning their actions. It's never too early for the United States Government to condemn attacks on Americans, and to defend our values. The White House distanced itself last night from the statement, saying it wasn't ‘cleared by Washington.’ That reflects the mixed signals they’re sending to the world.
“The attacks in Libya and Egypt underscore that the world remains a dangerous place and that American leadership is still sorely needed. In the face of this violence, America cannot shrink from the responsibility to lead. American leadership is necessary to ensure that events in the region don’t spin out of control. We cannot hesitate to use our influence in the region to support those who share our values and our interests. Over the last several years, we have stood witness to an Arab Spring that presents an opportunity for a more peaceful and prosperous region, but also poses the potential for peril, if the forces of extremism and violence are allowed to control the course of events.
“We must strive to ensure that the Arab Spring does not become an Arab Winter.”
Bacon for breakfast, suck it State Department
The proper response is, "The Unites States of America is sorry we had to shoot dead all the idiots attacking our Embassy in Egypt, and attempting to kill our people in Libya. And we will do it next time, too. K THX BYE."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
I see not all of the teachers are picketting
One thing is for sure: The students are not getting any worse an education by not having teachers there. 58% graduation rate? Why bother?
One thing I've noticed, much of the partisan Chicago media seems to side with the mayor. Interesting. Trying to curry favor, I'd wager. Usually, journalists have never met a strike they didn't like. Or the whole thing is just political theater to set Obama up as some kind of mediator. I don't know if I subscribe to that theory, myself.
*Okay, I rewrote that slightly.
I get a phone call yesterday
"Why did you bite your friend?"
Son: "We were playing zombies. I wanted her to be a zombie with me, so I bit her like zombies do."
I don't know where he hears about zombies from.....
At least he is a stickler for realism.
Monday, September 10, 2012
It sucks when your media monopoly implodes around you
That was strange
The Fiocchi cases didn't require a lot of force in resizing. Flash holes are mostly off center. Primers didn't seem to be crimped very hard, or at all. New primers slid in firmly, but smoothly. Unlike the '10' marked Lake City brass that seems to be impossible to remove the crimp on without a power tool. Even then I feel like I am destroying the stuff. And I found some PSD brass that I just threw out. That stuff is not worth my time to fight. I need to stock up on the Remington brass. It seems easy to reload without the pain the ass work the other brands require. Planning to get some dedicated brass for hunting rounds, and leave the plinking stuff for practice.
"Did that dumbass say he might hunt with an 11.5" gun?"
Maybe. Why not? Nosler 60 grain are good down to 1600 FPS. It seems accurate. Lighter bullets might be good for squirrel. Though I'm afraid all I will find are bits and pieces. Coyotes. I'm also thinking longer barreled upper for prairie dogs and the like in the future.
Weak ammo
I forgot how much fun .357 Sig is to shoot. Now, that stuff always flew and cycled like it should.
Oh, I forgot to thank Ace for letting me keep his .40 brass. I'll have to make him some reloads some day, as I still have his tumbler......
Less JD post 6
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Video from range trip (HD!)
Added: They videos are being edited to be shorter and less talky. Gives me a chance to play with the youtube editor stuff.
Range trip
Not sure what he is pointing out here, think it was a g27 group. The top
Shot about 170 through the fugly painted gun. Not all in a row, but all mags shot fairly quickly- over 15 minutes or less. No paint burned off. Got the barrel up to 300 degrees. Non-contact thermometer. The MOE handguard was around 140, that may been from the sun. 100 Fiocchi. Shot great. Buy more will I. Also ran some reloads, and new S&B that the 11.5 doesn't like and won't lock back on. The gun ran perfect on some Tula 55 grain I had laying around. Go figure.
We shot both targets, anyway, I did, with the AR. Sometimes back and forth. And sometimes, I'll admit, just shot the gun in the general direction of the targets to get the job done.
Here's me blathering:
Lawsuit over Aurora Theater shooting
So WTF was Recoil magazine anyway?
"Like we mentioned before, the MP7A1 is unavailable to civilians and for good reason. We all know that’s technology no civvies should ever get to lay their hands on. This is a purpose-built weapon with no sporting applications to speak of. It is made to put down scumbags, and that’s it. Mike Cabrera of Heckler & Koch Law Enforcement Sales and veteran law enforcement officer with SWAT unit experience points out that this is a gun that you do not want in the wrong, slimy hands. It comes with semi-automatic and full-auto firing modes only. Its overall size places it between a handgun and submachine gun. Its assault rifle capabilities and small size make this a serious weapon that should not be taken lightly."
Let' also review why this gun should not be taken lightly. In the article it was stated that the MP7A1 is a slightly larger than handgun sized machine-gun that can be accurately fired and penetrate Soviet style body armor at more than 300 yards. In the wrong hands, that's a bad day for the good guys.
As readers of RECOIL, we all agree that we love bad-ass hardware, there's no question about that. I believe that in a perfect world, all of us should have access to every kind of gadget that we desire. Believe me, being a civvie myself, I'd love to be able to get my hands on an MP7A1 of my own regardless of its stated purpose, but unfortunately the reality is that it isn't available to us. As a fellow enthusiast, I know how frustrating it is to want something only to be denied it.
Its manufacturer has not made the gun available to the general public and when we asked if it would ever come to the commercial market, they replied that it is strictly a military and law enforcement weapon, adding that there are no sporting applications for it. Is it wrong that HK decided against selling a full-auto pocket sized machine gun that can penetrate armor from hundreds of yards away? It's their decision to make and their decision they have to live with not mine nor anybody else's.
I accepted their answer for what it was out of respect for those serving in uniform. I believe that we as gun enthusiasts should respect our brothers in law enforcement, agency work and the military and also keep them out of harms way. Like HK, I wouldn't want to see one of these slip into the wrong hands either. Whether or not you agree with this is fine. I am compelled to explain a point that I was trying to make that may have not been clear.
Thanks for reading,
- JT, Editor, RECOIL
1: Screw you and the sporting purposes clause. Hell, the NFA requires A MILITARY APPLICATION, and that is how the Supreme Court ruled once on short barreled shotguns. Something that actually does have a military application. The Second Amendment is not about hunting.
2: Due to the Hughes Amendment, HK can't sell it to non only ones. So they have no choice.
3: Pretty sure most rifles made into pistols can punch holes in armor, what is so special about a 4.6x30?
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Another NYPD civilian shooting
Of course, in Sullivan Law equipped Bloomberg-dice, only the well connected, very rich, and criminals have guns. All exactly as the law was intended. Criminals having guns was the original intent of the law. No wonder NYC doesn't prosecute out of state people too hard. The Supreme Court might pimpslap them back to 1911.
I wonder what prior charges the former honor students* have had in the past. Shitbags don't start out with armed robbery.
*Honor students may only apply in Chicago.
Stupid templates
Grrr, brick and mortar shopping...
Didn't even do a Shield check while I was there. Rumor has it they keep one as a teaser. I should talk to one of my (2nd) cousins- turns out she works for Sheels in the firearms department. Appraisals or something. One of those cousins you see every 5 years or so. Yeah, guns tend to run in the family....